This page gives you a quick reference to get spring-context-support dependency for Maven or Gradle projects. You can also download the spring-context-support jar dependency, the link given at the "Download JAR File" section.
This spring-context-support module contains further extensions to the spring-context module. On the user-interface side, there are classes for mail support and integration with templating engines such as Velocity, FreeMarker, and JasperReports. Also, integration with various task execution and scheduling libraries including CommonJ and Quartz are packaged here.
This spring-context-support module contains further extensions to the spring-context module. On the user-interface side, there are classes for mail support and integration with templating engines such as Velocity, FreeMarker, and JasperReports. Also, integration with various task execution and scheduling libraries including CommonJ and Quartz are packaged here.
Spring Context Support Maven Dependency
Copy below Spring Context Support maven dependency and paste in your project pom.xml file:
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Spring Context Support Gradle Dependency
Copy below Spring Context Support Gradle dependency and paste in your project build.gradle file:
compile group: 'org.springframework', name: 'spring-context-support', version: '5.2.1.RELEASE
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