Welcome to our comprehensive blog dedicated to all things Ruby! Whether you're just starting out on your programming journey or are looking to refine your existing Ruby knowledge, this page is your one-stop destination.
Ruby Basics
Ruby - Print Hello WorldRuby - Get User Input
Ruby - Display Current Date and Time
Ruby - Print Environment Variables
Ruby - Explain Variable Scopes
Ruby - Calculate the Sum of Two Numbers
Ruby - Find the Factorial of a Number
Ruby - Check If a Number is Even or Odd
Ruby - Generate a Random Number
Ruby - Implement the Pythagorean Theorem
Ruby - Calculate the Square Root of a Number
Ruby - Check if a Number is Prime
Ruby - Find the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD)
Ruby - Check Leap Year
Ruby - Print Power of a Number
Ruby - Print Fibonacci Series
Ruby - Count the Number of Digits in a Number
Ruby Operators
Ruby - Unary operators
Ruby - Arithmetic operators
Ruby - Bitwise operators
Ruby - Logical operators
Ruby - Ternary operator
Ruby - Assignment operators
Ruby - Comparison operators
Ruby - Count Vowels in a String
Ruby - Find the Length of a String
Ruby - Replace Substrings
Ruby - Split a String into Words
Ruby - Join an Array into a String
Ruby - Check if a String Starts with Another String
Ruby - Check if a String is a Palindrome
Ruby - Find the Maximum Element in an Array
Ruby - Find the Minimum Element in an Array
Ruby - Search for an Element in an Array
Ruby - Sort an Array
Ruby - Reverse an Array
Ruby - Array Create, Add, and Remove Example
Ruby - Merge Two Arrays
Ruby - Find the Size of a Hash
Ruby - Check if a Key Exists in a Hash
Ruby - Merge Two Hashes
Ruby - Iterate Over a Hash
Ruby - Case Statement
Ruby - While Loop
Ruby - For Loop
Ruby - Instance Variables
Ruby - Class Methods and Variables
Ruby - Inheritance Example
Ruby - Polymorphism Example
Ruby - Abstraction Example
Ruby - Modules and Mixins
Ruby - Encapsulation Example
Ruby - Association Example
Ruby - Composition Example
Ruby - Aggregation Example
Ruby - method_missing Example
Ruby - define_method Example
Ruby - Create Custom Exception Class
Ruby - Open and Read from a File
Ruby - Append Data to an Existing File
Ruby - Delete a File
Ruby - Different File Modes
Ruby - Read a File Line by Line
Ruby - Create a New Directory
Ruby - Rename a Directory
Ruby - Delete a Directory
Ruby - Check if a File Exists
Ruby - Get a File Size
Ruby - Check if a Path is a File or a Directory
Ruby - Get File Modification Time
Ruby - Count Number of Words in a File
Ruby - Count Occurrences of a Specific Word in a File
Ruby - Compress a File using Gzip
Ruby - Extract a Gzip Compressed File
Ruby - Create a Tar Archive
Ruby - Handle NoMethodError by Using begin-rescue-end
Ruby - Main Thread and Sub-threads
Ruby - Pause Execution of Thread Using sleep
Ruby - Terminate a Thread Using Thread.kill
Ruby - Check Status of a Thread Using alive?
Ruby - Thread Priority Example
Ruby - Use Thread.pass for Thread Scheduling
Ruby - Thread Local Variables
Ruby Convert String to HashRuby - Arithmetic operators
Ruby - Bitwise operators
Ruby - Logical operators
Ruby - Ternary operator
Ruby - Assignment operators
Ruby - Comparison operators
Ruby String
Ruby - Convert a String to Uppercase and Lowercase Ruby - Reverse a StringRuby - Count Vowels in a String
Ruby - Find the Length of a String
Ruby - Replace Substrings
Ruby - Split a String into Words
Ruby - Join an Array into a String
Ruby - Check if a String Starts with Another String
Ruby - Check if a String is a Palindrome
Ruby Array
Ruby - Find the Length of an ArrayRuby - Find the Maximum Element in an Array
Ruby - Find the Minimum Element in an Array
Ruby - Search for an Element in an Array
Ruby - Sort an Array
Ruby - Reverse an Array
Ruby - Array Create, Add, and Remove Example
Ruby - Merge Two Arrays
Ruby Hash
Ruby - Create and Use a HashRuby - Find the Size of a Hash
Ruby - Check if a Key Exists in a Hash
Ruby - Merge Two Hashes
Ruby - Iterate Over a Hash
Ruby Control Statements
Ruby - If-Else ConditionRuby - Case Statement
Ruby - While Loop
Ruby - For Loop
Ruby OOPs Concepts
Ruby - Define and Instantiate a Simple ClassRuby - Instance Variables
Ruby - Class Methods and Variables
Ruby - Inheritance Example
Ruby - Polymorphism Example
Ruby - Abstraction Example
Ruby - Modules and Mixins
Ruby - Encapsulation Example
Ruby - Association Example
Ruby - Composition Example
Ruby - Aggregation Example
Ruby - method_missing Example
Ruby - define_method Example
Ruby - Create Custom Exception Class
Ruby File Handling
Ruby - Create a New File and Write ContentRuby - Open and Read from a File
Ruby - Append Data to an Existing File
Ruby - Delete a File
Ruby - Different File Modes
Ruby - Read a File Line by Line
Ruby - Create a New Directory
Ruby - Rename a Directory
Ruby - Delete a Directory
Ruby - Check if a File Exists
Ruby - Get a File Size
Ruby - Check if a Path is a File or a Directory
Ruby - Get File Modification Time
Ruby - Count Number of Words in a File
Ruby - Count Occurrences of a Specific Word in a File
Ruby - Compress a File using Gzip
Ruby - Extract a Gzip Compressed File
Ruby - Create a Tar Archive
Ruby Exceptions
Ruby - Handle Division by Zero ExceptionRuby - Handle NoMethodError by Using begin-rescue-end
Ruby - Handle Custom Exceptions using rescue
Ruby - Handle Custom Exceptions using rescue
Ruby - Handle Multiple Exceptions Using Multiple rescue Blocks
Ruby - Print the Backtrace of an Exception
Ruby - Define Global Exception Handling using at_exit
Ruby String Tutorial
Ruby Array Tutorial
Ruby - Handle Custom Exceptions using rescue
Ruby - Handle Multiple Exceptions Using Multiple rescue Blocks
Ruby - Print the Backtrace of an Exception
Ruby - Define Global Exception Handling using at_exit
Ruby Tutorials
Ruby Hash TutorialRuby String Tutorial
Ruby Array Tutorial
Ruby - Match a Pattern in a String
Ruby - map Function Example
Ruby - reduce Function Example
Ruby - select Function Example
Ruby - Date and Time Example
Ruby - map Function Example
Ruby - reduce Function Example
Ruby - select Function Example
Ruby - Date and Time Example
Ruby Threads
Ruby - Create and Execute a Basic ThreadRuby - Main Thread and Sub-threads
Ruby - Pause Execution of Thread Using sleep
Ruby - Terminate a Thread Using Thread.kill
Ruby - Check Status of a Thread Using alive?
Ruby - Thread Priority Example
Ruby - Use Thread.pass for Thread Scheduling
Ruby - Thread Local Variables
Ruby String Conversions
Ruby Convert String to JSON
Ruby Convert String to Integer
Ruby Convert String to Array
Ruby Convert String to Date
Ruby Convert String to CamelCase
Ruby Convert String to Boolean
Ruby Convert String to Float
Ruby Convert String to DateTime
Ruby Number Conversions
Ruby Convert Number to StringRuby Convert Number to Binary
Ruby Convert Number to Boolean
Ruby List Conversions
Ruby Convert List to SetRuby Convert List to String
Ruby Convert List to Hash
Ruby Convert List to Map
Ruby Array Conversions
Ruby Convert Array to ListRuby Convert Array to Hash
Ruby Convert Array to Hash With Index as Key
Ruby Convert Array to Set
Ruby Convert Array to String Comma Separated
Ruby Convert Array of Strings to Integers
Ruby Convert Array to JSON
Ruby Convert Array of Hashes to JSON
Ruby Hash Conversions
Ruby Convert Hash to JSONRuby Convert Hash to String
Ruby Convert Hash to Array
Convert Hash Keys to Strings
Ruby Date Conversions
Ruby Convert Date to DateTimeRuby Convert Date to Epoch
Ruby Convert Date to TimeStamp
Ruby Convert Date to Milliseconds
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