Volume Formulas - Volume Formulas for Shapes

This page gives a reference to some of the formulas to find out volumes of basic shapes.

The volume of an object is the amount of space occupied by the object, which is three dimensional in shape. It is usually measured in terms of cubic units. In other words, the volume of any object or container is the capacity of the container to hold the amount of fluid (gas or liquid). The volume of three-dimensional mathematical shapes like cube, cuboid, cylinder, prism, and cone, etc. can be easily calculated by using arithmetic formulas. Whereas, to find the volumes of complicated shapes, one can use integral calculus.

For example, the volume of the cylinder can be measured as = πr2h, where r = d⁄2

r = radius of the circular base
d = Diameter of the circular base
h = height of the cylinder

Volume Formulas of Various Geometric Figures

Some of the formulas to find out volumes of basic shapes are –
ShapesVolume FormulaVariables
Rectangular Solid or CuboidV = l × w × h
l = Length,
w = Width,
h = Height
CubeV = a3a = length of edge or side
CylinderV = πr2h
r = radius of the circular edge,
h = height
PrismV = B × h
B = area of base, (B = side2 or length.breadth)
h = height
SphereV = (4⁄3)πr3r = radius of the sphere
PyramidV = (1⁄3) × B × h
B = area of the base,
h = height of the pyramid
Right Circular ConeV = (1⁄3)πr2h
r = radius of the circular base,
h = height (base to tip)
Square or Rectangular PyramidV = (1⁄3) × l × w × h
l = length of the base,
w = width of base,
h = height (base to tip)
EllipsoidV = (4⁄3) × π × a × b × ca, b, c = semi-axes of ellipsoid
V = a3⁄ (6 √2)
a = length of the edge
