In this article, we will learn how to use and implement the observer pattern in Kotlin with an example.
The observer pattern is used to allow an object to publish changes to its state. Other objects subscribe to be immediately notified of any changes.
The observer pattern is used to allow an object to publish changes to its state. Other objects subscribe to be immediately notified of any changes.
Observer / Listener Example
interface TextChangedListener {
fun onTextChanged(oldText: String, newText: String)
class PrintingTextChangedListener : TextChangedListener {
private var text = ""
override fun onTextChanged(oldText: String, newText: String) {
text = "Text is changed: $oldText -> $newText"
class TextView {
val listeners = mutableListOf<TextChangedListener>()
var text: String by Delegates.observable("<empty>") { _, old, new ->
listeners.forEach { it.onTextChanged(old, new) }
val textView = TextView().apply {
listener = PrintingTextChangedListener()
with(textView) {
text = "Lorem ipsum"
text = "dolor sit amet"
Text is changed <empty> -> Lorem ipsum
Text is changed Lorem ipsum -> dolor sit amet
Complete Example
Let's use JUnit to test this pattern:
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test import interface TextChangedListener { fun onTextChanged(oldText: String, newText: String) } class PrintingTextChangedListener: TextChangedListener { var text = "" override fun onTextChanged(oldText: String, newText: String) { text = "Text is changed: $oldText -> $newText" } } class TextView { val listeners = mutableListOf < TextChangedListener > () var text: String by Delegates.observable("<empty>") { _, old, new - > listeners.forEach { it.onTextChanged(old, new) } } } class ListenerTest { @Test fun Listener() { val listener = PrintingTextChangedListener() val textView = TextView().apply { listeners.add(listener) } with(textView) { text = "Lorem ipsum" text = "dolor sit amet" } assertThat(listener.text).isEqualTo("Text is changed: Lorem ipsum -> dolor sit amet") } }
Design Pattern
Kotlin Design Patterns
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