C++ Abstract Factory Pattern Example

In this article, we will learn how to use and implement the Abstract Factory Pattern in C++ with an example.

Abstract Factory is a creational design pattern that lets you produce families of related objects without specifying their concrete classes.

C++ Abstract Factory Pattern Example

The below diagram shows the generic structure of the Abstract Factory Pattern:
Let's refer the above structure to create an example to demonstrates the usage of the Abstract Factory Pattern:
#include <iostream>

 * Product A
 * products implement the same interface so that the classes can refer
 * to the interface not the concrete product
class ProductA
  virtual ~ProductA() {}
  virtual const char* getName() = 0;
  // ...

 * ConcreteProductAX and ConcreteProductAY
 * define objects to be created by concrete factory
class ConcreteProductAX : public ProductA
  ~ConcreteProductAX() {}
  const char* getName()
    return "A-X";
  // ...

class ConcreteProductAY : public ProductA
  ~ConcreteProductAY() {}
  const char* getName()
    return "A-Y";
  // ...

 * Product B
 * same as Product A, Product B declares interface for concrete products
 * where each can produce an entire set of products
class ProductB
  virtual ~ProductB() {}
  virtual const char* getName() = 0;
  // ...

 * ConcreteProductBX and ConcreteProductBY
 * same as previous concrete product classes
class ConcreteProductBX : public ProductB
  ~ConcreteProductBX() {}
  const char* getName()
    return "B-X";
  // ...

class ConcreteProductBY : public ProductB
  ~ConcreteProductBY() {}
  const char* getName()
    return "B-Y";
  // ...

 * Abstract Factory
 * provides an abstract interface for creating a family of products
class AbstractFactory
  virtual ~AbstractFactory() {}
  virtual ProductA *createProductA() = 0;
  virtual ProductB *createProductB() = 0;

 * Concrete Factory X and Y
 * each concrete factory create a family of products and client uses
 * one of these factories so it never has to instantiate a product object
class ConcreteFactoryX : public AbstractFactory
  ~ConcreteFactoryX() {}
  ProductA *createProductA()
    return new ConcreteProductAX();
  ProductB *createProductB()
    return new ConcreteProductBX();
  // ...

class ConcreteFactoryY : public AbstractFactory
  ~ConcreteFactoryY() {}

  ProductA *createProductA()
    return new ConcreteProductAY();
  ProductB *createProductB()
    return new ConcreteProductBY();
  // ...

int main()
  ConcreteFactoryX *factoryX = new ConcreteFactoryX();
  ConcreteFactoryY *factoryY = new ConcreteFactoryY();

  ProductA *p1 = factoryX->createProductA();
  std::cout << "Product: " << p1->getName() << std::endl;
  ProductA *p2 = factoryY->createProductA();
  std::cout << "Product: " << p2->getName() << std::endl;
  delete p1;
  delete p2;
  delete factoryX;
  delete factoryY;
  return 0;


Product: A-X
Product: A-Y

Abstract Factory Design Pattern Benefits

  • Abstract Factory design pattern provides an approach to code for interface rather than implementation.
  • Abstract Factory pattern is “factory of factories” and can be easily extended to accommodate more products, 
  • Abstract Factory pattern is robust and avoids the conditional logic of the Factory pattern.

When to use?

  • a system should be independent of how its products are created, composed, and represented
  • a system should be configured with one of multiple families of products
  • a family of related product objects is designed to be used together
  • you want to provide a class library of products, and you want to reveal just their interfaces, not their implementations
