Top Algorithms GitHub Repositories - Java, Python, JavaScript, Swift, GO and C++

In this post, we are going to share top Algorithms GitHub repositories based on GitHub stars for popular programming languages such as Java, Python, JavaScript, C++ and Go.


Repository - TheAlgorithms/Python

This repository contains all the algorithms implemented in Python. These implementations are for learning purposes. They may be less efficient than the implementations in the Python standard library.

GitHub repository -

GitHub repository stars - 84.5k

Repository - keon/algorithms

This repository contains minimal and clean example implementations of data structures and algorithms in Python 3.

GitHub repository stars - 17.8k


Repository - TheAlgorithms/Java

This repository contains all the algorithms implemented in Java. These implementations are for learning purposes. They may be less efficient than the implementations in the Java standard library.

GitHub repository -

GitHub repository stars - 30k

Repository - williamfiset/Algorithms

Algorithms and data structures are fundamental to efficient code and good software design. Creating and designing excellent algorithms is required for being an exemplary programmer. This repository's goal is to demonstrate how to correctly implement common data structures and algorithms in the simplest and most elegant ways.

GitHub repository stars - 6.2k


Repository - trekhleb/javascript-algorithms

This repository contains JavaScript based examples of many popular algorithms and data structures.

Each algorithm and data structure has its own separate README with related explanations and links for further reading (including ones to YouTube videos).

GitHub repository stars - 80.1k


GitHub repository stars - 3.7k


GitHub repository stars - 23.7k


GitHub repository stars - 3.7k
