Top CSS Animations

In this post, we will share top CSS animations to build awesome animations for websites and applications.

Top CSS Animations

1. Animate.css

Just-add-water CSS animations.
Website link -

2. Bounce.js

Bounce.js is a tool and JS library that lets you create beautiful CSS3 powered animations.
Website link -

3. Anime.js

Anime.js (/ˈæn.ə.meɪ/) is a lightweight JavaScript animation library with a simple, yet powerful API. It works with CSS properties, SVG, DOM attributes, and JavaScript Objects.
Website link -

4. Magic Animations

Animations have been one of the most impressive animation libraries available.

5. Zdog

Round, flat, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas & SVG.
Website link -

6. CSShake

CSShake delivers exactly what it says on the box — a CSS library designed specifically for shaking elements within your web page.

7. Hover.css

Hover.css is a CSS animation library designed for use with buttons and other UI elements in your website.

8. AniJS

AniJS is an animation library that allows you to add animations to elements in a simple ‘sentence-like’ structure.
Website link -

9. Animista

CSS Animations On Demand.
Website link -

10. Tachyons-animate

Tachyons itself is an atomic CSS library with a ton of utility classes for essentially designing anything by adding classes to what you need.

11. Sequence.js

Sequence.js is a JavaScript library that provides a responsive CSS framework for creating unique sliders, presentations, banners, and other step-based applications.

12. Infinite

These animations, like rotations and pulses, that are specifically designed to run and repeat forever.


Animations for the strong of heart, and weak of mind.


A Sass library for creating flexible CSS transitions and animations.


A graphical user interface for generating custom CSS keyframe animations.
Website link -

16. thoughtbot

CSS Transitions and Transformations for Beginners.
