Spring Boot Reactjs (Redux) CRUD App

Spring Boot Reactjs (Redux) CRUD App developed using Spring Boot, ReactJs, Redux, Bootstrap, JPA, Maven, PostgreSQL and deployed on AWS cloud.

In this post, we would like to suggest a free open-source project that is ReactJS Spring Boot CRUD Full Stack App (Employee Management System) developed using Spring Boot as backend and ReactJS with Redux as the frontend for learning purposes. 
ReactJS Spring Boot CRUD Full Stack App (Employee Management System) project is open-source and available on GitHub repository - https://github.com/sourcecodeexamples/spring-boot-reactjs-crud-app

spring-boot-reactjs-crud-app (GitHub Project)

This CRUD full-stack employee management application.

Demo Link

An actual version of build is deployed on AWS:


Used Technologies:

Backend      Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA
Frontend      React.js, Redux, Bootstrap
Database      PostgreSQL
Persistence     JPA
Client Build     npm, yarn, webpack
Server Build     Maven

GitHub Repository

ReactJS Spring Boot CRUD Full Stack App (Employee Management System) project is open-source and available on GitHub repository - https://github.com/sourcecodeexamples/spring-boot-reactjs-crud-app

What you will build?

In this project, you will learn how to build a full-stack web application that is a basic Employee Management Application with CRUD features:
  • Create Employee
  • List Employee
  • Update Employee
  • Delete Employee
  • View Employee

Following is the screenshot of the final version of our application -

Employee List


Add Employee


Edit Employee

