C# Three Dimensional Array Example

In this source code example, we will demonstrate how to create a three-dimensional array in C#.

C# Three Dimensional Array Example

The below C# program demonstrate how to create a three-dimensional array, access elements from a three-dimensional array and loop over a three-dimensional array:
using System;

public class ArrayDemo
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        int[,,] numbers =
            {{1, 2, 3}},
            {{4, 5, 6}},
            {{7, 8, 9}},
            {{10, 11, 12}}
        // access first element from the first row
       Console.WriteLine("Element at index [0, 0, 0] : "+numbers[0, 0, 0]);
        // access first element from second row
       Console.WriteLine("Element at index [1, 0, 0] : "+numbers[1, 0, 0]);
       // access first element from third row
       Console.WriteLine("Element at index [2, 0, 0] : "+numbers[2, 0, 0]);
        // access first element from fourth row
       Console.WriteLine("Element at index [3, 0, 0] : "+numbers[3, 0, 0]);
        int d1 = numbers.GetLength(0);
        int d2 = numbers.GetLength(1);
        int d3 = numbers.GetLength(2);
        for (int i=0; i<d1; i++)
            for (int j=0; j<d2; j++)
                for (int k=0; k<d3; k++)
                    Console.Write(numbers[i, j, k] + " ");



Element at index [0, 0, 0] : 1
Element at index [1, 0, 0] : 4
Element at index [2, 0, 0] : 7
Element at index [3, 0, 0] : 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 
