Spring Boot Hibernate MySQL CRUD REST API Tutorial | Controller, Service and DAO Layer | Full Course

In this course, you will learn how to build REST APIs using the latest version of Spring boot, hibernate, and MySQL database. 

Spring Boot is an opinionated framework that helps developers build stand-alone and production-grade Spring-based applications quickly and easily. 


📚Course Contents 📚

1. Course Inro - (00:00)
2. Spring Boot Project Architecture - 1:35
3. Create Spring Boot Project in STS - 5:15
4. Create Packaging Structure - 13:30
5. Configure MySQL Database - 14:55
6. Create Employee JPA Entity - 23:16
7. Create Spring Data JPA EmployeeRepository - 29:30
8. Create Custom Exception - 31:54
9. Build Create Employee REST API - 36:00
10. Build Get All Employees REST API - 49:25
11. Build Get Employee By ID REST API - 54:43
12. Build Update Employee REST API - 1:06:55
13. Build Delete Employee REST API - 1:19:30

Tools and technologies used:

- Java 16
- Spring Boot
- Spring Data JPA ( Hibernate)
- Lombok
- Eclipse STS
- Maven
- Tomcat 

GitHub Link


1. Spring Boot + Angular Full Stack | Full Course [2021] ✅ - https://youtu.be/G46fjVzQ7BQ

2. Spring Boot React Full Stack | Full Course [2021]✅ - https://youtu.be/XkVpb_8IPUM

3. Spring Boot Hibernate MySQL CRUD REST API Tutorial | Full Course - https://youtu.be/4Ico2HjRTCE

4. Java Collections Framework | Full Course [2021]✅ - https://youtu.be/GdAon80-0KA

5. Spring Boot AWS Deployment - Full Course [2021] ✅ - https://youtu.be/D1yOALZcMHs

6. Spring Boot Web Application Development | Full Coding Course ✅ | Student Management System Project - https://youtu.be/HYGnVeCs0Yg

7. Spring MVC Tutorial | Spring Boot | Full Course [2021] ✅ - https://youtu.be/Ku3gsv7_bCc

8. Validation in Spring Boot | Hibernate Validator | Crash Course 2021 - https://youtu.be/0jJsrD6SmUw

9. Java Thymeleaf Template Tutorial for Beginners | Crash Course 2021 - https://youtu.be/96ompySpPHE

10. Spring Boot Tutorial | Full Course [New] - https://youtu.be/slTUtTSwRKU

11. Spring Data REST Tutorial | Crash Course - https://youtu.be/M3aAcOgeyuQ

12. Spring Boot Hibernate MySQL CRUD REST API Tutorial - https://youtu.be/4Ico2HjRTCE
13. Spring Boot Restful Web Services Tutorial - https://youtu.be/th3uIP7D8nk

14. MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners | Crash Course 2021 - https://youtu.be/GsAyX-xkqoU

15. Spring Boot Tutorial | Full In-depth Course | Learn Spring Boot in 10 Hours - https://youtu.be/_thI-4AF7M8
