Write a Python program to count all lower case, upper case, digits, and special symbols from a given string

In this article, we will write a Python program to count all lower case, upper case, digits, and special symbols from a given string.

Write a Python program to count all lower case, upper case, digits, and special symbols from a given string

def counter(strr):
    lowerCaseCounter = 0
    upperCaseCounter = 0
    numberCounter = 0
    specialCounter = 0

    for letter in strr:
        if letter.islower():
            lowerCaseCounter = lowerCaseCounter + 1
        elif letter.isupper():
            upperCaseCounter = upperCaseCounter + 1
        elif letter.isnumeric():
            numberCounter = numberCounter + 1
            specialCounter = specialCounter + 1

    print("Number of lowercase characters:" + str(lowerCaseCounter))
    print("Number of uppercase characters:"+str(upperCaseCounter))
    print("Number of number characters:"+str(numberCounter))
    print("Number of special characters:" + str(specialCounter))


counter("source code examples SOURCE 12345 @#$%^&*()_+")


Number of lowercase characters:18
Number of uppercase characters:6
Number of number characters:5
Number of special characters:16
