Reversing a String in Golang

String manipulation is a fundamental aspect of programming, and Golang provides an elegant and efficient way to work with strings. Reversing a string is a common task encountered in various programming scenarios. In this blog post, we will walk through a Golang program that reverses a given string using the "runes" approach. We will explain each step of the code to provide a thorough understanding of the implementation.

The "runes" Approach

In Golang, strings are made up of bytes, where each character is represented by one or more bytes. When working with strings that contain non-ASCII characters or multiple bytes per character, using bytes directly might lead to unexpected results. To handle this correctly, we utilize "runes," which are a sequence of Unicode code points.
package main

import "fmt"

// reverseString takes an input string and returns its reverse.
func reverseString(input string) string {
	// Convert the input string to a slice of runes.
	runes := []rune(input)

	// Initialize two pointers, i and j.
	// i points to the first character of the string, and j points to the last character.
	for i, j := 0, len(runes)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
		// Swap the characters at positions i and j using multiple assignment.
		runes[i], runes[j] = runes[j], runes[i]

	// Convert the rune slice back to a string and return the reversed string.
	return string(runes)

func main() {
	// Example usage
	inputString := "Hello, World!"
	reversedString := reverseString(inputString)

	// Print the original and reversed strings.
	fmt.Println("Original String:", inputString)
	fmt.Println("Reversed String:", reversedString)
Original String: Hello, World!
Reversed String: !dlroW ,olleH

Code Explanation

We start by defining a function called reverseString, which takes an input string and returns the reversed string.

Inside the reverseString function, we convert the input string to a slice of runes using runes := []rune(input). This step is crucial because it ensures that we handle multi-byte characters and non-ASCII characters correctly.

Next, we initialize two pointers i and j. i points to the first character of the string (at index 0), and j points to the last character (at index len(runes)-1). We will use these pointers to swap the characters in the rune slice.

We enter a for loop with the condition i < j, which means that the loop will continue until i is less than j. Inside the loop, we use multiple assignment to swap the characters at positions i and j in the runes slice. This swapping operation effectively reverses the string.

With each iteration of the loop, i is incremented by one, and j is decremented by one. This process continues until i and j meet in the middle of the slice.

After the loop, the runes slice contains the characters of the original string in reverse order.

Finally, we convert the runes slice back to a string using string(runes) and return the reversed string.

In the main function, we demonstrate the usage of the reverseString function by providing an example string "Hello, World!" and print both the original and reversed strings using fmt.Println.


In this blog post, we explored how to reverse a string in Golang using the "runes" approach. By converting the string to a slice of runes, we ensure the correct handling of multi-byte and non-ASCII characters. The loop-based swapping technique allows us to efficiently reverse the string, making the implementation both elegant and performant.

As you continue your journey with Golang, understanding string manipulation and the power of "runes" will undoubtedly prove valuable in handling various text-processing tasks. Happy coding!
