Differences Between == and === in JavaScript

Let's dive into a comprehensive explanation of the differences between the == and === operators in JavaScript, including a table that outlines these distinctions, followed by an illustrative example.

Differences Between == and === in JavaScript

In JavaScript, comparing values to determine their equality can be done using two different operators.

The '==' Operator (Equality)

The == operator checks if two values are equal, but it does not consider the type of the variables. If the types are different, JavaScript will attempt to convert them to a common type before comparing, a process known as type coercion.

The '===' Operator (Strict Equality)

The === operator also checks if two values are equal, but it takes into consideration both the value and the type of the variables. If the types are different, it will immediately return false, without attempting to convert the types.

Comparison Table

Feature '==' (Equality) '===' (Strict Equality)
Description Compares values and performs type coercion if necessary. Compares values and types without performing type coercion.
Compares Value Yes Yes
Compares Type No Yes
Performs Type Coercion Yes No


Consider the following code snippet:
var a = '42';
var b = 42;

console.log(a == b);  // Outputs true, because '42' is coerced to 42
console.log(a === b); // Outputs false, because the types (string and number) are different
In the first comparison using ==, the string '42' is converted to the number 42, so the comparison returns true. In the second comparison using ===, the types are considered, and since one is a string and the other is a number, the comparison returns false.


Understanding the differences between == and === is vital in JavaScript programming. While == can be convenient when the type of the variables doesn't matter, it may lead to unexpected results due to type coercion. On the other hand, === offers a more predictable comparison by checking both the value and the type.

Choose the appropriate operator based on the requirements of your code to avoid potential bugs and make your code more robust and maintainable. If you want to ensure both value and type equality, it's generally advisable to use ===.
