MySQL AND, OR, and NOT Operators

In the realm of SQL, being able to filter, sort, and extract specific data is paramount. Aiding us in these operations are the logical operators - AND, OR, and NOT. In this blog post, we will discuss these operators in the context of MySQL, exploring their syntax, usage, and practical examples.


In MySQL, the AND, OR, and NOT operators are used to filter data based on more than one condition:
  • The AND operator allows you to select records where all conditions set out in the WHERE clause are true.
  • The OR operator allows you to select records where at least one of the conditions set out in the WHERE clause is true.
  • The NOT operator allows you to select records where the condition set out in the WHERE clause is NOT true.
These operators can dramatically increase the power and flexibility of your SQL queries, allowing you to handle complex data scenarios.


The basic syntax for these logical operators in MySQL is as follows:


SELECT column1, column2, ..., columnN 
FROM table_name
WHERE condition1 AND condition2 AND condition3 ...;


SELECT column1, column2, ..., columnN 
FROM table_name
WHERE condition1 OR condition2 OR condition3 ...;


SELECT column1, column2, ..., columnN 
FROM table_name
WHERE NOT condition;

Demo Database

Continuing with our SchoolDB demonstration database, let's focus on the Students table, which includes student_idfirst_namelast_namegrade_level, and major_subject columns.


Let's go through some practical examples:

AND Operator

To retrieve a list of students in grade 12 who major in Science:
FROM Students
WHERE grade_level = 12 AND major_subject = 'Science';

OR Operator

To retrieve a list of students who are either in grade 12 or major in Science:
FROM Students
WHERE grade_level = 12 AND major_subject = 'Science';

NOT Operator

To retrieve a list of students who are not in grade 12:
FROM Students
WHERE NOT grade_level = 12;

Combining AND, OR, and NOT Operators 

You can also combine these operators to create more complex queries. For example, to retrieve a list of students who are in grade 12 and either major in Science or Math:
FROM Students
WHERE grade_level = 12 AND (major_subject = 'Science' OR major_subject = 'Math');


The AND, OR, and NOT operators in MySQL serve as fundamental tools for creating powerful and flexible queries. By allowing you to specify multiple conditions, these operators enable you to filter and retrieve precisely the data you need.

Understanding and efficiently utilizing these operators is crucial in working with SQL. As seen from the examples, even complex data requirements can be handled effectively with well-crafted SQL queries using these logical operators. So, mastering them can significantly enhance your SQL skills and database management capabilities.
