The LIMIT clause in MySQL is used to restrict the number of records returned by a SELECT statement. This can be particularly useful when dealing with large datasets, as it helps to reduce the amount of data transferred from the database and thus can significantly improve performance.


The basic syntax for the LIMIT clause in MySQL is as follows:

SELECT column1, column2, ..., columnN 
FROM table_name 
LIMIT number_of_rows;


column1, column2, ..., columnN: These are the names of the columns you want to select. 

table_name: This is the name of the table from which you want to select data. 

number_of_rows: This is the number of rows you want to return. 

You can also specify an offset as follows:

SELECT column1, column2, ..., columnN 
FROM table_name 
LIMIT offset, number_of_rows;
Here, offset specifies the number of records to skip before starting to return records.

Demo Database

To demonstrate the examples, let's consider a demonstration database named SchoolDB with a table of Students. The Students table consists of the following columns: student_idfirst_namelast_namegrade_levelmajor_subject.


Here are some practical examples illustrating the use of the LIMIT clause: 

Selecting a Fixed Number of Records 

If you want to select only five students from the Students table, you can use:


This statement returns the first five records from the Students table. 


If you want to select five students but skip the first three, you can use:

SELECT * FROM Students LIMIT 3, 5;

This statement skips the first three records and then returns the next five records. 


The LIMIT clause in MySQL is a powerful tool when you need to restrict the number of records returned by a SELECT statement. It is extremely useful in scenarios where dealing with large datasets, as it helps in optimizing performance by reducing the amount of data that needs to be transferred from the database. 

Mastering the LIMIT clause is a significant step towards becoming proficient in SQL and managing databases effectively. By limiting the number of records in your result set, the LIMIT clause allows you to have a more focused view of your data.
