Student Management System Project in C++ with Source Code

The Student Management System project is a simple implementation using C++ that provides functionalities to manage student records. It includes operations like creating new student records, displaying student details, updating, and deleting records.


#include<algorithm>  // <-- Include this for std::remove_if

class Student {
    int roll_no;
    std::string name;
    float marks;
    Student(int r, std::string n, float m) : roll_no(r), name(n), marks(m) {}

    int getRollNo() const { return roll_no; }
    std::string getName() const { return name; }
    float getMarks() const { return marks; }

    void setName(std::string n) { name = n; }
    void setMarks(float m) { marks = m; }

class StudentManagementSystem {
    std::vector<Student> students;
    void addStudent(int roll_no, std::string name, float marks) {
        Student s(roll_no, name, marks);

    void displayStudents() {
        for(const Student &s : students) {
            std::cout << "Roll No: " << s.getRollNo() << ", Name: " << s.getName() << ", Marks: " << s.getMarks() << std::endl;

    void updateStudent(int roll_no, std::string name, float marks) {
        for(Student &s : students) {
            if(s.getRollNo() == roll_no) {

    void deleteStudent(int roll_no) {
        auto it = std::remove_if(students.begin(), students.end(),
                                 [roll_no](const Student &s) { return s.getRollNo() == roll_no; });
        students.erase(it, students.end());

int main() {
    StudentManagementSystem sms;
    int choice, roll_no;
    std::string name;
    float marks;

    do {
        std::cout << "1. Add Student\n2. Display Students\n3. Update Student\n4. Delete Student\n5. Exit\nEnter your choice: ";
        std::cin >> choice;

        switch(choice) {
            case 1:
                std::cout << "Enter roll number: ";
                std::cin >> roll_no;
                std::cin.ignore(); // <-- Ignore the newline character left in the buffer
                std::cout << "Enter name: ";
                std::getline(std::cin, name);
                std::cout << "Enter marks: ";
                std::cin >> marks;
                sms.addStudent(roll_no, name, marks);
            case 2:
            case 3:
                std::cout << "Enter roll number to update: ";
                std::cin >> roll_no;
                std::cin.ignore(); // <-- Ignore the newline character left in the buffer
                std::cout << "Enter new name: ";
                std::getline(std::cin, name);
                std::cout << "Enter new marks: ";
                std::cin >> marks;
                sms.updateStudent(roll_no, name, marks);
            case 4:
                std::cout << "Enter roll number to delete: ";
                std::cin >> roll_no;
    } while(choice != 5);

    return 0;


We use two classes: Student for representing individual student data and StudentManagementSystem to manage operations on students.

Student class has three private attributes and related public functions to get and set these attributes. StudentManagementSystem uses a vector to store Student objects. It has methods to add, display, update, and delete student records.

In the main() function, a simple menu-driven approach is provided to allow users to interact with the system.


When executed, the program will show a menu allowing the user to: 
  1. Add a student by providing roll number, name, and marks. 
  2. Display all students' details. 
  3. Update a student's name and marks by providing the roll number. 
  4. Delete a student's record using the roll number. 
  5. Exit the application. 
Here is the complete Output:
1. Add Student
2. Display Students
3. Update Student
4. Delete Student
5. Exit
Enter your choice: 1
Enter roll number: 100
Enter name: Ramesh
Enter marks: 90
1. Add Student
2. Display Students
3. Update Student
4. Delete Student
5. Exit
Enter your choice: 2
Roll No: 100, Name: Ramesh, Marks: 90
1. Add Student
2. Display Students
3. Update Student
4. Delete Student
5. Exit
Enter your choice: 2
Roll No: 100, Name: Ramesh, Marks: 90
1. Add Student
2. Display Students
3. Update Student
4. Delete Student
5. Exit
Enter your choice: 3
Enter roll number to update: 100
Enter new name: Ram
Enter new marks: 80
1. Add Student
2. Display Students
3. Update Student
4. Delete Student
5. Exit
Enter your choice: 2
Roll No: 100, Name: Ram, Marks: 80
1. Add Student
2. Display Students
3. Update Student
4. Delete Student
5. Exit
Enter your choice: 4
Enter roll number to delete: 100
1. Add Student
2. Display Students
3. Update Student
4. Delete Student
5. Exit
Enter your choice: 5

I hope this gives a clear idea of how to implement a basic Student Management System in C++. 

Happy coding!
