1. Introduction
Strings in Swift are a sequence of characters and are used to store textual data. Swift provides a robust set of methods and properties to efficiently work with and manipulate strings.
2. Source Code Example
// 1. Declaring a string
let helloWorld = "Hello, world!"
// 2. Accessing characters
for character in helloWorld {
// 3. Concatenate strings
let firstName = "John"
let lastName = "Doe"
let fullName = firstName + " " + lastName
// 4. Interpolating strings
let age = 30
let introduction = "My name is \(firstName) and I am \(age) years old."
// 5. Checking string emptiness
let emptyString = ""
if emptyString.isEmpty {
print("The string is empty!")
// 6. Count characters in a string
let count = helloWorld.count
print("Number of characters in '\(helloWorld)' is \(count)")
// 7. String comparison
if firstName == "John" {
print("\(firstName) is indeed John!")
// 8. String methods
let uppercaseString = firstName.uppercased()
let lowercaseString = "HELLO".lowercased()
H e l l o , w o r l d ! John Doe My name is John and I am 30 years old. The string is empty! Number of characters in 'Hello, world!' is 13 John is indeed John! JOHN hello
3. Step By Step Explanation
1. Declaring a String: Here, a constant string helloWorld is declared with the text "Hello, world!".
2. Accessing Characters: Strings in Swift are collections of characters. You can iterate over each character in a string using a for-in loop.
3. Concatenate Strings: Strings can be concatenated using the + operator. In the example, firstName and lastName are combined to produce fullName.
4. Interpolating Strings: String interpolation allows you to insert variables directly into a string using the \(variable) syntax.
5. Checking String Emptiness: The isEmpty property checks if the string is empty or not.
6. Counting Characters: The count property gives the number of characters in a string.
7. String Comparison: Strings can be compared for equality using the == operator.
8. String Methods: The uppercased() method converts a string to uppercase and the lowercased() method converts a string to lowercase.
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