1. Definition
The Bridge Design Pattern decouples an abstraction from its implementation, enabling both to vary independently. It aims to separate a system's interface from its functional implementation, providing mechanisms to add new functionalities without modifying existing code.
2. Problem Statement
Imagine you're developing a drawing application in R, and you have different shapes like circles and rectangles. For each shape, you need to offer different rendering methods, e.g., vector rendering or raster rendering. How can you organize your code so that adding a new shape or a new rendering method doesn't require changing existing code?
3. Solution
Utilize the Bridge Pattern. By doing this, you can separate the shape's abstraction from its rendering implementation. Each shape (Circle, Rectangle) will be independent of the rendering method (Vector, Raster), and both can be extended without affecting each other.
4. Real-World Use Cases
1. Cross-platform apps where the app's core functionalities and the platform-specific code are kept separate.
2. Database drivers, where the abstraction (database connection) is separate from the implementation (specific database type).
3. Remote controls for various devices where the controls (buttons) are separated from the devices they control.
5. Implementation Steps
1. Identify the two dimensions in your problem: the abstraction and the implementation.
2. Split the two dimensions into separate class hierarchies.
3. Create a bridge between the abstraction and the implementation.
6. Implementation in R Programming
# Step 1: Implementation hierarchy (Renderer)
Renderer <- function() {
renderShape = function(shapeName) {
stop("Abstract method. Implement in concrete renderers.")
VectorRenderer <- function() {
renderer <- Renderer()
renderer$renderShape <- function(shapeName) {
return(paste("Drawing", shapeName, "as vector graphics."))
RasterRenderer <- function() {
renderer <- Renderer()
renderer$renderShape <- function(shapeName) {
return(paste("Drawing", shapeName, "as raster graphics."))
# Step 2: Abstraction hierarchy (Shape)
Shape <- function(renderer) {
draw = function() {
stop("Abstract method. Implement in concrete shapes.")
Circle <- function(renderer) {
shape <- Shape(renderer)
shape$draw <- function() {
Rectangle <- function(renderer) {
shape <- Shape(renderer)
shape$draw <- function() {
# Step 3: Client code
vectorRenderer <- VectorRenderer()
rasterRenderer <- RasterRenderer()
circleWithVector <- Circle(vectorRenderer)
circleWithRaster <- Circle(rasterRenderer)
rectangleWithVector <- Rectangle(vectorRenderer)
output1 <- circleWithVector$draw()
output2 <- circleWithRaster$draw()
output3 <- rectangleWithVector$draw()
list(output1, output2, output3)
[1] "Drawing Circle as vector graphics." [2] "Drawing Circle as raster graphics." [3] "Drawing Rectangle as vector graphics."
Using the Bridge Design Pattern, we have:
1. An Implementation hierarchy, in this case, Renderer, which is our rendering method. We implemented two types of renderers: Vector and Raster.
2. An Abstraction hierarchy, here as Shape, representing different shapes. We created two shapes: Circle and Rectangle.
3. Both hierarchies are kept separate but can communicate through a bridge - the renderer in the Shape
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