1. Definition
The Flyweight design pattern is used to minimize memory usage or computational expenses by sharing as much as possible with other similar objects. The pattern uses shared objects to support large numbers of fine-grained objects efficiently.
2. Problem Statement
Suppose you're creating a game where thousands of trees need to be rendered. Each tree has shared data (like textures, mesh, etc.) and unique data (like position, and rotation). Instantiating a new object for each tree with all these details can consume a lot of memory. How can you optimize this?
3. Solution
With the Flyweight pattern, you can separate the shared data (intrinsic state) from the unique data (extrinsic state). The shared data resides in the flyweight object, while the unique data is passed externally. By doing so, you can reuse the shared data across many objects, saving memory.
4. Real-World Use Cases
1. Text editors or word processors that store character rendering information, ensuring that unique character styles (bold, italic) don't create a new character object.
2. 3D graphics editors that store common textures or shapes to be reused across multiple objects.
5. Implementation Steps
1. Identify the object's intrinsic (shared) state and extrinsic (unique) state.
2. Create a flyweight class that stores the intrinsic state.
3. Ensure that the client code passes the extrinsic state to the flyweight's methods when needed.
6. Implementation in Rust Programming
// Intrinsic state
struct TreeType {
name: String,
texture: String,
impl TreeType {
pub fn new(name: &str, texture: &str) -> Self {
TreeType {
name: name.to_string(),
texture: texture.to_string(),
pub fn draw(&self, x: i32, y: i32) {
println!("Drawing {} at ({}, {}) with texture {}", self.name, x, y, self.texture);
// Flyweight factory
struct TreeFactory {
tree_types: Vec<TreeType>,
impl TreeFactory {
pub fn new() -> Self {
TreeFactory {
tree_types: Vec::new(),
pub fn get_tree_type(&mut self, name: &str, texture: &str) -> &TreeType {
if let Some(tree_type) = self.tree_types.iter().find(|&t| t.name == name && t.texture == texture) {
return tree_type;
let tree_type = TreeType::new(name, texture);
// Client code
fn main() {
let mut factory = TreeFactory::new();
let tree_type1 = factory.get_tree_type("Pine", "PineTexture");
let tree_type2 = factory.get_tree_type("Oak", "OakTexture");
tree_type1.draw(10, 20);
tree_type2.draw(30, 40);
tree_type1.draw(50, 60);
"Drawing Pine at (10, 20) with texture PineTexture" "Drawing Oak at (30, 40) with texture OakTexture" "Drawing Pine at (50, 60) with texture PineTexture"
1. TreeType represents the flyweight object holding the intrinsic state.
2. TreeFactory acts as the flyweight factory, which creates and reuses flyweight objects.
3. In the client code, get_tree_type is used to fetch or create the required tree type, minimizing the number of unique tree-type objects.
7. When to use?
The Flyweight pattern is useful when:
1. A large number of objects need to be created, and storing them consumes a lot of memory due to the sheer quantity and overlapping data.
2. Objects have shared data that can be externalized to reduce memory consumption.
3. The application doesn't depend on object identity. Since flyweight objects are shared, identity tests return true for conceptually distinct objects.
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