User Write a R program to create a two-dimensional 5x3 array of sequences of even integers greater than 50

1. Introduction

This R program creates a two-dimensional 5x3 array consisting of sequences of even integers greater than 50. Each element in the array will be an even number starting from 52.

2. Program Steps

1. Generate a sequence of even integers greater than 50.

2. Create a 5x3 array using this sequence.

3. Print the resulting array.

3. Code Program

# Step 1: Generate a sequence of even integers greater than 50
even_integers <- seq(52, by = 2, length.out = 15)

# Step 2: Create a 5x3 array with the sequence
array_5x3 <- array(even_integers, dim = c(5, 3))

# Step 3: Print the array
print("5x3 Array of even integers greater than 50:")


5x3 Array of even integers greater than 50:
     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]   52   62   72
[2,]   54   64   74
[3,]   56   66   76
[4,]   58   68   78
[5,]   60   70   80


1. seq(52, by = 2, length.out = 15): Generates a sequence of 15 even integers starting from 52.

2. array(even_integers, dim = c(5, 3)): Creates a 5x3 array using the sequence of even integers.

3. print("5x3 Array of even integers greater than 50:"): Prints a message indicating the array.

4. print(array_5x3): Displays the 5x3 array with the sequence of even integers.
