Write a R program to find biggest of three elements

1. Introduction

This R program finds the largest of three elements. It demonstrates basic conditional logic in R to compare values and determine the biggest one.

2. Program Steps

1. Declare three elements.

2. Compare the elements to find the largest.

3. Print the largest element.

3. Code Program

# Step 1: Declare three elements
element1 <- 15
element2 <- 21
element3 <- 10

# Step 2: Compare the elements to find the largest
largest_element <- element1  # Assume element1 is the largest initially
if (element2 > largest_element) {
    largest_element <- element2
if (element3 > largest_element) {
    largest_element <- element3

# Step 3: Print the largest element
print("The largest element is:")


The largest element is:


1. element1 <- 15, element2 <- 21, element3 <- 10: Initialize three elements with values 15, 21, and 10, respectively.

2. The if statements compare element2 and element3 with the current largest_element to determine the largest among them.

3. print("The largest element is:"), print(largest_element): Print the largest element found.
