1. Introduction
This blog post focuses on a string processing problem that tests knowledge in C++ related to handling substrings and character uniqueness: counting the number of substrings without repeating characters. This problem is a classic example of using sliding window techniques for efficient string analysis.
Given a string, the goal is to count the number of substrings that contain no repeating characters.
2. Solution Steps
1. Use a sliding window approach to maintain a substring without repeating characters.
2. Create a set or hash map to keep track of the characters in the current window.
3. Iterate through the string, expanding the window by adding characters to the right.
4. If a character repeats, shrink the window from the left until the character is no longer in the window.
5. Count each valid window as a substring without repeating characters.
6. Continue until the end of the string and return the count.
3. Code Program
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
using namespace std;
// Function to count substrings without repeating characters
int countNonRepeatingSubstrs(string s) {
unordered_set<char> seen;
int left = 0, count = 0;
for (int right = 0; right < s.length(); right++) {
// Expand the window
while (seen.find(s[right]) != seen.end()) {
// Shrink the window from the left
// Count the number of substrings ending at 'right'
count += right - left + 1;
return count;
int main() {
string s = "abcabcbb";
cout << "Number of non-repeating substrings: " << countNonRepeatingSubstrs(s) << endl;
return 0;
Number of non-repeating substrings: 22
1. The input string "abcabcbb" is processed to find substrings without repeating characters.
2. A sliding window is used to maintain a substring with unique characters.
3. The window expands by adding characters from the right and shrinks from the left when a repeating character is found.
4. Each valid window represents a unique substring, and the number of such substrings ending at each position is counted.
5. The total count of 22 indicates the number of non-repeating substrings in the input string.
6. This method efficiently utilizes the sliding window technique for substring analysis in C++.
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