Command Prompt commands provide direct access to various system functions and features, enabling you to automate tasks, configure settings, and troubleshoot issues efficiently. This guide provides a comprehensive list of essential Command Prompt commands for Windows 11, along with brief descriptions of their uses.
Basic Navigation Commands
cd: Change the current directory.
cd C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents
dir: List the contents of the current directory.
mkdir: Create a new directory.
mkdir NewFolder
rmdir: Remove an empty directory.
rmdir OldFolder
del: Delete one or more files.
del filename.txt
copy: Copy one or more files to another location.
copy source.txt destination.txt
move: Move one or more files to another location.
move oldname.txt newname.txt
ren: Rename a file or directory.
ren oldname.txt newname.txt
System Information Commands
systeminfo: Display detailed configuration information about the computer.
ipconfig: Display IP configuration information.
ping: Test the network connection to a specific address.
tracert: Trace the route packets take to a network host.
tasklist: Display a list of currently running processes.
taskkill: Terminate a running process.
taskkill /PID 1234 /F
Disk and File System Commands
chkdsk: Check the disk for errors and repair them.
chkdsk C: /f
diskpart: Open the Disk Partition utility.
format: Format a disk for use with Windows.
format E: /fs:NTFS
diskcleanup: Open the Disk Cleanup utility.
User and System Management Commands
net user: Manage user accounts on the computer.
net user YourUsername YourPassword /add
net localgroup: Manage local group memberships.
net localgroup administrators YourUsername /add
shutdown: Shut down or restart the computer.
shutdown /s /t 0
sfc: Run the System File Checker tool to repair system files.
sfc /scannow
powershell: Open a Windows PowerShell session from Command Prompt.
Network Commands
netstat: Display active network connections and listening ports.
nslookup: Query the DNS for domain name or IP address information.
arp: Display or modify the IP-to-Physical address translation tables.
arp -a
route: Display or modify the routing table.
route print
Advanced Commands
assoc: Display or modify file extension associations.
assoc .txt
ftype: Display or modify file types used in file extension associations.
ftype txtfile="C:\Windows\System32\NOTEPAD.EXE" %1
reg: Manage the Windows registry.
reg add "HKCU\Software\MyApp" /v "MyValue" /t REG_SZ /d "MyData"
schtasks: Schedule commands and programs to run periodically or at a specific time.
schtasks /create /tn "MyTask" /tr "notepad.exe" /sc daily /st 09:00
wmic: Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line utility.
wmic cpu get name
Additional Tips
Help Command: Use the
command followed by the command name to get detailed information about a specific dir
Command History: Use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to scroll through previously entered commands.
Run as Administrator: Some commands require administrative privileges. Right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.
You have successfully learned some of the most important Command Prompt commands for Windows 11. By mastering these commands, you can effectively manage your system, troubleshoot issues, and automate tasks. Regularly refer to this guide to enhance your Command Prompt skills and improve your overall productivity.
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