Spring JDBC Online Quiz

Welcome to our Spring JDBC Online Quiz for Beginners! This quiz is designed to introduce you to the basic concepts and functionalities of Spring JDBC, a module within the Spring Framework used for database interactions. Whether you are just starting with Spring or looking to refresh your knowledge, this quiz will help you assess and enhance your understanding. Each question includes an explanation to aid your learning. Let's begin your journey into Spring JDBC!

1. What does JDBC stand for in Spring JDBC?

a) Java Database Connectivity
b) Java Data Connection
c) Just Database Connection
d) Java Direct Connect

2. Which Interface in Spring JDBC simplifies the execution of SQL queries?

a) JdbcTemplate
b) DataSource
c) DriverManager
d) RowMapper

3. What is the primary role of the RowMapper interface?

a) To map rows of a ResultSet to objects
b) To manage database connections
c) To execute database updates
d) To configure the database driver

4. What does DataSource provide in Spring JDBC?

a) Connection to different types of persistence storage solutions
b) A way to execute raw SQL scripts
c) SQL mapping functionality
d) A base for building ORM frameworks

5. In Spring JDBC, what method do you use to execute a plain SQL statement?

a) update()
b) query()
c) execute()
d) submit()

6. What is used in Spring to handle exceptions in a database-independent manner?

a) SQLExceptionTranslator
b) DataAccessException
c) ErrorCollector
d) ExceptionHandler

7. Which component in Spring JDBC is best suited for executing multiple SQL updates in a single batch?

a) BatchPreparedStatementSetter
b) SimpleJdbcCall
c) NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
d) RowCallbackHandler

8. What does NamedParameterJdbcTemplate provide over JdbcTemplate?

a) Execution of stored procedures
b) Support for named parameters instead of the traditional '?' placeholders
c) Connection pooling
d) Built-in row mapping

9. How do you retrieve a single object in Spring JDBC?

a) queryForObject()
b) query()
c) queryForList()
d) getObject()

10. What is the use of the SimpleJdbcInsert?

a) To execute a query to retrieve data
b) To simplify JDBC insert operations
c) To handle exception translation
d) To map SQL queries to objects

11. Which method would you use to query multiple rows from a database?

a) queryForMap()
b) queryForObject()
c) query()
d) getRows()

12. How do you specify a parameter by name in NamedParameterJdbcTemplate?

a) Using '?' placeholders
b) Using the '@' symbol
c) Using ':' followed by the parameter name
d) Using the parameter index

13. What feature does SimpleJdbcCall use to simplify calling stored procedures?

a) Automatic retrieval of procedure metadata
b) Direct JDBC calls
c) Manual mapping of parameters
d) None of the above

14. What is the purpose of the BeanPropertyRowMapper?

a) It maps a row to a Java bean based on column names
b) It extracts metadata from the bean properties
c) It validates the row data against bean properties
d) It generates SQL queries based on bean properties

15. Which of the following is NOT a method in JdbcTemplate?

a) update()
b) merge()
c) query()
d) execute()

16. What does the SqlParameterSource in Spring JDBC do?

a) It defines SQL parameters for JdbcTemplate
b) It supplies values to parameters in named parameter queries
c) It configures the DataSource settings
d) It maps SQL queries to Java objects

17. What type of object is typically returned by the queryForList() method?

a) A single object
b) A map of row objects
c) A list of row objects
d) None; it returns void

18. In which scenario would you use the update() method of JdbcTemplate?

a) When retrieving data from a database
b) When inserting, updating, or deleting data in a database
c) When calling a stored procedure
d) When configuring the database connection

19. How does Spring manage JDBC exceptions?

a) By converting them into DataAccessException
b) By ignoring them
c) By logging them to the console
d) By re-throwing them as is

20. Which is true about the queryForObject() method?

a) It is used to update data in the database.
b) It can throw an EmptyResultDataAccessException if no data is found.
c) It never throws exceptions.
d) It returns a list of results.

21. What advantage does NamedParameterJdbcTemplate have over JdbcTemplate?

a) It does not require a database connection.
b) It allows using named parameters, which are not supported by JdbcTemplate.
c) It performs automatic table creation.
d) It integrates better with ORM tools.

22. Which method in JdbcTemplate is best for handling SQL queries that return different types of results?

a) queryForMap()
b) queryForObject()
c) query()
d) queryForList()

23. How does the SqlParameterSourceUtils class help in Spring JDBC?

a) It provides utilities for setting up batch operations.
b) It optimizes connection handling.
c) It assists in the configuration of RowMapper.
d) It enhances query performance by caching results.

24. What does the queryForMap() method return?

a) A single row mapped to a map
b) A list of rows
c) A single object
d) A configuration map

25. When using JdbcTemplate, what is the significance of the PreparedStatementCreator?

a) It helps in creating repeatable batch updates.
b) It allows for the creation of a PreparedStatement used for executing SQL queries.
c) It configures the DataSource.
d) It manages the JDBC environment.
