JDBC Examples
- JDBC Create a Table Example
- JDBC Insert Multiple Rows Example
- JDBC Update Query Example
- JDBC Select Query Example
- JDBC Delete Query Example
- JDBC Transaction Management Example
- JDBC Connection to Oracle Database Example
- JDBC Connection to PostgreSQL Example
- JDBC Connection to H2 Database Example
- Java JDBC Connection to HSQLDB Database
- Java PostgreSQL Example
- Java H2 Create Table Example
- Java H2 Insert Record Example
- Java H2 Embedded Database Example
A transaction is a set of SQL operations that need to be either executed all successfully or not at all. Failure to perform even one operation leads to an inconsistent and erroneous database.
Learn a complete JDBC tutorial at https://www.javaguides.net/p/jdbc-tutorial.html.
Learn a complete JDBC tutorial at https://www.javaguides.net/p/jdbc-tutorial.html.
JDBC - Transaction Management Example
A transaction is a set of one or more statements that are executed as a unit. Either all statements will be executed successfully or none of them.
In JDBC API, the Connection interface provides the setAutoCommit() , commit() and rollback() methods to perform transaction management.
Technologies used
- JDK - 1.8 or later
- MySQL - 5.7.12
- IDE - Eclipse Neon
- JDBC API - 4.2
The following steps are required for transaction management in the JDBC API.
- Disable the auto-commit mode bypassing the false value to the setAutoCommit() method.
- Call the commit() method to commit the transaction if all statements are executed successfully.
- Call the rollback() method to cancel the transaction if any one of the statements fails. Here is an example to demonstrate the above steps.
package com.javaguides.jdbc.batch;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
* JDBC Transaction Management Example
* @author Ramesh Fadatare
public class JDBCTransactionExample {
private static final String INSERT_USERS_SQL = "INSERT INTO users " +
" (id, name, email, country, password) VALUES " + " (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);";
private static final String UPDATE_USERS_SQL = "update users set name = ? where id = ?;";
private static final String jdbcUrl = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql_database?useSSL=false";
private static final String username = "root";
private static final String password = "root";
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl, username, password);) {
// STEP 1 - Disable auto commit mode
try (PreparedStatement insertStmt = conn.prepareStatement(INSERT_USERS_SQL); PreparedStatement updateStmt = conn.prepareStatement(UPDATE_USERS_SQL);) {
// Create insert statement
insertStmt.setInt(1, 200);
insertStmt.setString(2, "Tony");
insertStmt.setString(3, "tony123@gmail.com");
insertStmt.setString(4, "US");
insertStmt.setString(5, "secret");
// Create update statement
updateStmt.setString(1, "Ram");
updateStmt.setInt(2, 200);
// STEP 2 - Commit insert and update statement
System.out.println("Transaction is commited successfully.");
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (conn != null) {
try {
// STEP 3 - Roll back transaction
System.out.println("Transaction is being rolled back.");
} catch (Exception ex) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
public static void printSQLException(SQLException ex) {
for (Throwable e: ex) {
if (e instanceof SQLException) {
System.err.println("SQLState: " + ((SQLException) e).getSQLState());
System.err.println("Error Code: " + ((SQLException) e).getErrorCode());
System.err.println("Message: " + e.getMessage());
Throwable t = ex.getCause();
while (t != null) {
System.out.println("Cause: " + t);
t = t.getCause();
Transaction is commited successfully.
Related JDBC Source Code Examples
- JDBC Create a Table Example
- JDBC Insert Multiple Rows Example
- JDBC Update Query Example
- JDBC Select Query Example
- JDBC Delete Query Example
- JDBC Transaction Management Example
- JDBC Connection to Oracle Database Example
- JDBC Connection to PostgreSQL Example
- JDBC Connection to H2 Database Example
- Java JDBC Connection to HSQLDB Database
- Java PostgreSQL Example
- Java H2 Create Table Example
- Java H2 Insert Record Example
- Java H2 Embedded Database Example
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