This example demonstrates how to get the file size using the Apache commons library.
Maven Dependency
Let's add maven dependency before creating these examples:
<dependency> <groupId>commons-io</groupId> <artifactId>commons-io</artifactId> <version>2.6</version> </dependency>
Apache FileUtils get file size
In the example, we get the size of a file and a directory.
public class GetFileSizeEx {
public static void main(String[] args) {
File myfile = new File("/home/sourcecodeexamples/tmp/image.jpg");
long fileSizeB = FileUtils.sizeOf(myfile);
System.out.printf("The size of file is: %d bytes\n", fileSizeB);
File mydir = new File("/home/janbodnar/tmp");
long dirSizeB = FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory(mydir);
double dirSizeKB = (double) dirSizeB / FileUtils.ONE_KB;
double dirSizeMB = (double) dirSizeB / FileUtils.ONE_MB;
System.out.printf("The size of directory is: %d bytes\n", dirSizeB);
System.out.printf("The size of file is: %.2f kilobytes\n", dirSizeKB);
System.out.printf("The size of file is: %.2f megabytes\n", dirSizeMB);
We determine the file size with FileUtils.sizeOf() and the directory size with FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory().
We used FileUtils.ONE_KB and FileUtils.ONE_MB constants to calculate the size in kilobytes and megabytes.
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