In this source code example, you will learn to use scanf() function to take input from the user, and the printf() function to display output to the user.
C Programming
C Programs
1. printf() function
The printf() is a standard output library function used to display the value of a variable or a message on the screen.Syntax:
printf("<control string>", argument list separated with commas);
Example: To print a message "Hello World" on the screen
/*Program to print a message "Hello World" */
printf("Hello World");
Hello World
Example 2: To Display Multiple Statements
/*Program to print Name and Address*/
printf("Name: Sachin Tendulkar");
printf("\nQualification: Degree");
printf("\nAddress: Mumbai");
printf("\nWork: Cricket Player");
Name: Sachin Tendulkar
Qualification: Degree
Address: Mumbai
Work: Cricket Player
scanf() function
The scanf() is a standard library function for input operation. This allows a program to get user input from the keyboard. This means that the program gets input values for variables from users.Syntax:
scanf("<format code>",list of address of variables separated by commas)
Example: To accept the values of int, float, and char data types and display them
/*Program to accept values of int, char, float data types
Display them in the order of reading*/
main() {
char x;
int num;
float j;
/*Accept the values for data types from user*/
printf("Enter Character: ");
printf("Enter Integer Value: ");
printf("Enter Float Value: ");
/*Display the accepted values*/
printf("Integer=%d\tFloat Value=%f\tCharacter=%c",num,j,x);
Enter Character: R
Enter Integer Value: 10
Enter Float Value: 12.25
Integer=10 Float Value=12.250000 Character=R
Find the Sum and Average of Three Numbers - Read input from user using scanf() and print the result using printf() function
int main( )
int a,b,c;
int sum,average;
printf("Enter any three integers: ");
scanf("%d%d %d",&a,&b,&c);
sum = a+b+c;
printf("Sum and average of three integers: %d %d",sum,average);
return 0;
Enter any three integers:2 4 5
Sum and average of three integers: 11 3
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