In this source code example, we will see how to use the fputc() function in C programming with an example.
fputc() Function Overview
The fputc() function in C lets you write a single character to a file. It's like using a pencil to write one letter in a book.
Source Code Example
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
FILE *filePtr;
char text[] = "Hello, Ram!";
int i;
// Opening a sample file for writing
filePtr = fopen("sample.txt", "w");
if (!filePtr) {
printf("Error opening the file.\n");
return 1;
// Writing to the file using fputc
for (i = 0; text[i]; i++) {
fputc(text[i], filePtr);
// Adding a newline using fputc
fputc('\n', filePtr);
// Writing a single char to the file
fputc('A', filePtr);
// Always shut the file when done
// Let's confirm by reading the file and displaying the content
filePtr = fopen("sample.txt", "r");
if (!filePtr) {
printf("Error opening the file.\n");
return 1;
printf("File content:\n");
char ch;
while ((ch = fgetc(filePtr)) != EOF) {
return 0;
File content: Hello, Ram! A
1. We open a file named "sample.txt" for writing.
2. Using a loop, we go through each character of the "Hello, Ram!" string and write it to the file using fputc().
3. We then add a new line to the file using fputc().
4. Next, we write a single character 'A' to the file.
5. After writing, we close the file.
6. To make sure our writing went well, we open the file again, this time for reading, and show its contents.
With fputc(), we can simply and precisely control which characters to write to a file.
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