This example demonstrates the usage of forEach function with lambda expressions in Java.
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Loop a List with forEach + lambda expression
In Java 8, you can loop a List with forEach + lambda expression or method reference.
public static void forEachWithList() {
final List < Person > items = new ArrayList < > ();
items.add(new Person(100, "Ramesh"));
items.add(new Person(100, "A"));
items.add(new Person(100, "B"));
items.add(new Person(100, "C"));
items.add(new Person(100, "D"));
items.forEach(item - > System.out.println(item.getName()));
//Output : C
items.forEach(item - > {
if ("C".equals(item)) {
//method reference
//Output : A,B,C,D,E
//Stream and filter
//Output : B
.filter(s - > s.getName().equals("Ramesh"))
Please refer to the comments in the above example are self-descriptive.
Loop a Map with forEach and lambda expressions
In Java 8, you can loop a Map with forEach and lambda expressions.
public static void forEachWithMap() {
// Before Java 8, how to loop map
final Map < Integer, Person > map = new HashMap < > ();
map.put(1, new Person(100, "Ramesh"));
map.put(2, new Person(100, "Ram"));
map.put(3, new Person(100, "Prakash"));
map.put(4, new Person(100, "Amir"));
map.put(5, new Person(100, "Sharuk"));
// In Java 8, you can loop a Map with forEach + lambda expression.
map.forEach((k, p) - > {
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