Java 11 added a few useful APIs to the commonly used String class. In this post, we will see the usage of below String methods with an example.
- String java.lang.String.strip() - The strip() instance method returns a string with all leading and trailing whitespaces removed.
- String java.lang.String.stripLeading() - This method returns a string with all leading white space removed.
- String java.lang.String.stripTrailing() - This method returns a string with all trailing white space removed.
String strip(), stripLeading() and stripTrailing() methods - Java 11
- String java.lang.String.strip() - The strip() instance method returns a string with all leading and trailing whitespaces removed.
- String java.lang.String.stripLeading() - This method returns a string with all leading white space removed.
- String java.lang.String.stripTrailing() - This method returns a string with all trailing white space removed.
package net.javaguides.examples;
* Java 11 (JDK11) New String APIs/Methods with Examples
* @author Ramesh Fadatare
public class StringAPIInJDK11 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String input1 = "\n\t hello \u2005";
* The strip() instance method returns a string
* with all leading and trailing whitespaces removed
String output1 = input1.strip();
// stripLeading() usage
// stripTrailing() usage
hello ?
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