In this source code example, we will write a Java program that converts any HexaDecimal number to a Binary number.
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Java Convert Hexadecimal to Binary
This class converts HexaDecimal number to a Binary number:
//Hex [0-9],[A-F] -> Binary [0,1]
* This class converts Decimal numbers to Octal Numbers
* @author
public class HexaDecimalToBinary {
private final int LONG_BITS = 8;
public void convert(String numHex) {
// String a HexaDecimal:
int conHex = Integer.parseInt(numHex, 16);
// Hex a Binary:
String binary = Integer.toBinaryString(conHex);
// Output:
System.out.println(numHex + " = " + completeDigits(binary));
public String completeDigits(String binNum) {
for (int i = binNum.length(); i < LONG_BITS; i++) {
binNum = "0" + binNum;
return binNum;
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Testing Numbers:
String[] hexNums = {
HexaDecimalToBinary objConvert = new HexaDecimalToBinary();
for (String num: hexNums) {
1 = 00000001
A1 = 10100001
ef = 11101111
BA = 10111010
AA = 10101010
BB = 10111011
19 = 00011001
01 = 00000001
02 = 00000010
03 = 00000011
04 = 00000100
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