JavaFX Registration Form with MySQL using FXML Example

In this post, you will get a source code to create a Registration form using JavaFX with MySQL database connectivity.

This JavaFX registration form example uses FXML, an XML based language provided by JavaFX, to create the user interface for our Desktop application.
You can get the source code of this example on the GitHub repository ( link given at the end of this post)

JavaFX Registration Form with MySQL using FXML Example

This JavaFX application will have a registration form where users can enter their details and then submit the form. When the user submits the form, the form data will be stored in the MySQL database via JDBC API

The following are some screenshots of the JavaFX registration form example:

Registration form validation:

Registration form enter valid data: 

Registration form submit success: 

Step by Step Tutorial

This JavaFX registration form application created step by step in the tutorial - Registration Form Using JavaFX with MySQL Database.

GitHub Repository

