In this simple Student Management System, you will be learning a few core Java concepts and OOPS concepts.
Java Project Source Code - School Management System
This project just uses core java without any GUI. This is for those who just have started programming in java and want to learn a little more about object-oriented programming applications in core java.
Let's first create a Java project in Eclipse IDE and add the following Java classes to the project.
Let's create a Student class with the following fields:
* This class is responsible for keeping the
* track of students fees, name ,grade & fees
* paid.
public class Student {
private int id;
private String name;
private int grade;
private int feesPaid;
private int feesTotal;
* To create a new student by initializing.
* Fees for every student is $30,000.
* Fees paid initially is 0.
* @param id id for the student: unique.
* @param name name of the student.
* @param grade grade of the student.
public Student(int id, String name,int grade){
//Not going to alter student's name, student's id.
* Used to update the student's grade.
* @param grade new grade of the student.
public void setGrade(int grade){
* Keep adding the fees to feesPaid Field.
* Add the fees to the fees paid.
* The school is going receive the funds.
* @param fees the fees that the student pays.
public void payFees(int fees){
* @return id of the student.
public int getId() {
return id;
* @return name of the student.
public String getName() {
return name;
* @return the grade of the student.
public int getGrade() {
return grade;
* @return fees paid by the student.
public int getFeesPaid() {
return feesPaid;
* @return the total fees of the student.
public int getFeesTotal() {
return feesTotal;
* @return the remaining fees.
public int getRemainingFees(){
return feesTotal-feesPaid;
public String toString() {
return "Student's name :"+name+
" Total fees paid so far $"+ feesPaid;
This class is responsible for keeping the track of students' fees, name, grade & fees paid.
Let's create a Teacher class with the following fields:
* This class is responsible for keeping the track
* of teacher's name, id, salary.
public class Teacher {
private int id;
private String name;
private int salary;
private int salaryEarned;
* Creates a new Teacher object.
* @param id id for the teacher.
* @param name name of the teacher.
* @param salary salary of the teacher.
public Teacher(int id, String name, int salary){;;
* @return the id of the teacher.
public int getId(){
return id;
* @return name of the teacher.
public String getName(){
return name;
* @return the salary of the teacher.
public int getSalary(){
return salary;
* set the salary.
* @param salary
public void setSalary(int salary){
* Adds to salaryEarned.
* Removes from the total money earned by the school.
* @param salary
public void receiveSalary(int salary){
public String toString() {
return "Name of the Teacher: " + name
+" Total salary earned so far $"
+ salaryEarned;
This class is responsible for keeping the track of teacher's name, id, and salary.
Let's create a School class with the following fields:
import java.util.List;
* Many teachers, many students.
* Implements teachers and student
* using an ArrayList.
public class School {
private List<Teacher> teachers;
private List<Student> students;
private static int totalMoneyEarned;
private static int totalMoneySpent;
* new school object is created.
* @param teachers list of teachers in the school.
* @param students list of students int the school.
public School(List<Teacher> teachers, List<Student> students) {
this.teachers = teachers;
this.students = students;
* @return the list of teachers int the school.
public List<Teacher> getTeachers() {
return teachers;
* Adds a teacher to the school.
* @param teacher the teacher to be added.
public void addTeacher(Teacher teacher) {
* @return the list of students in the school.
public List<Student> getStudents() {
return students;
* Adds a student to the school
* @param student the student to be added.
public void addStudent(Student student) {
* @return the total money earned by the school.
public int getTotalMoneyEarned() {
return totalMoneyEarned;
* Adds the total money earned by the school.
* @param MoneyEarned money that is supposed to be added.
public static void updateTotalMoneyEarned(int MoneyEarned) {
totalMoneyEarned += MoneyEarned;
* @return the total money spent by the school.
public int getTotalMoneySpent() {
return totalMoneySpent;
* update the money that is spent by the school which
* is the salary given by the school to its teachers.
* @param moneySpent the money spent by school.
public static void updateTotalMoneySpent(int moneySpent) {
Let's create a Main class to test our simple School Management System project:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Teacher teacher1 = new Teacher(1,"teacher1",500);
Teacher teacher2 = new Teacher(2,"teacher2",700);
Teacher teacher3 = new Teacher(3,"teacher3",600);
List<Teacher> teacherList = new ArrayList<>();
Student student1 = new Student(1,"student1",4);
Student student2 = new Student(2,"student2",12);
Student student3 = new Student(3,"student3",5);
List<Student> studentList = new ArrayList<>();
School college1 = new School(teacherList,studentList);
Teacher teacher4 = new Teacher(6,"teacher4", 900);
System.out.println("college1 has earned $"+ college1.getTotalMoneyEarned());
System.out.println("------Making SCHOOL PAY SALARY----");
System.out.println("college1 has spent for salary to " + teacher1.getName()
+" and now has $" + college1.getTotalMoneyEarned());
System.out.println("college1 has spent for salary to " + teacher2.getName()
+" and now has $" + college1.getTotalMoneyEarned());
>college1 has earned $11000
------Making SCHOOL PAY SALARY----
college1 has spent for salary to teacher1 and now has $10500
college1 has spent for salary to teacher2 and now has $9800
Student's name :student2 Total fees paid so far $6000
Name of the Teacher: teacher3 Total salary earned so far $600
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