In this post, we will share the project source code of the "JSP Servlet JDBC MySQL Project" example on GitHub.
1. GitHub Repository
GitHub repository name: todo-application-jsp-servlet-jdbc-mysqlGitHub repository link:
About GitHub repository: Build Todo App using JSP, Servlet, JDBC, and MySQL.
Todo Application
Todo application developed using JSP, Servlet, JDBC, and MySQL Database.
Following features
- Add todo
- Edit todo
- List Dodo
- Delete Todo
- Login
- Signup
- Responsive layout
Technology stack
- Java 8+
- JSP and Servlet
- MySQL database
- Eclipse IDE
- Tomcat server 8+
Blog post to develop this project from scratch
Refer blog tutorial at Build Todo App using JSP, Servlet, JDBC, and MySQL
2. JSP, Servlet, JDBC, and MySQL Project: Step by Step Tutorial
You can develop this example step by step using this tutorial: JSP, Servlet, JDBC, and MySQL Database: Build Todo App3. Demo
Below are the screenshots that show the UI of this Todo App:
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