What is the best reason for using StringBuilder instead of String?

What is the best reason for using StringBuilder instead of String?

A. StringBuilder adds support for multiple threads.

B. StringBuilder can use == to compare values.

C. StringBuilder saves memory by reducing the number of objects created.

D. StringBuilder supports different languages and encodings.


C. StringBuilder saves memory by reducing the number of objects created.


Option A is incorrect because StringBuilder does not support multiple threads. In fact, threads aren’t even covered on the OCA, which should be your clue that this answer is wrong! You don’t need to know this for the exam, but StringBuffer supports multiple threads. 

Option B is incorrect because == compares references, not values. Option D is incorrect because of both String and StringBuilder support languages and encodings.

Option C is correct and the primary reason to use StringBuilder. String often creates a new object each time you call certain methods on the object like concat(). StringBuilder optimizes operations like append() because it is mutable.
