In this short article, we will suggest step by step how to learn Java programming language as an absolute beginner.
How to Learn Java Step by Step
Here is a suggested step-by-step approach to learning Java:
Start by familiarizing yourself with the basic concepts of programming and object-oriented programming, if you're not already familiar with them.
First, Set up the environment
Download and install the Java Development Kit (JDK) on your computer, which includes the Java runtime environment and development tools.
Begin learning the basics of the Java programming language
Begin learning the basics of the Java programming language, such as data types, variables, control flow, and operators.
Check out below tutorials/articles:
- Variables in Java
- Java main() Method
- Java Access Modifiers
- Arithmetic Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Equality, Relational, and Conditional Operators
- Primitive Data Types in Java
- Java if Statement
- Java Switch Case Statement
- Java for Loop
- Java while Loop
- Java do while Loop
- Java continue Statement
- Java break Statement
Learn about object-oriented programming in Java
Next, learn about object-oriented programming in Java:
- What Is Object in Java with Programming Examples
- What is Class in Java with Programming Examples
- What are All the Different Ways to Create an Object in Java?
- java. lang.Object Class methods with Examples
- Java Interface
- Java Abstract Class
- Abstraction in Java with Example
- Encapsulation in Java with Example
- Inheritance in Java with Example
- Polymorphism in Java with Example
- Composition in Java with Example
- Aggregation in Java with Example
- Association in Java with Example
- Cohesion in Java with Example
- Coupling in Java with Example
- Delegation in Java with Example
Learn Advanced Java topics
Continue to build upon your knowledge by learning about more advanced topics in Java, such as exceptions, collections, and generics.
Check out below tutorials/articles:
- Java Exception Handling Guide
- How the Exception Handling Works in Java
- Three Types of Exceptions in Java
- Exceptions Hierarchy in Java
- Java Chained Exceptions
To know in-depth about an exception handling on Java Exception Handling Tutorial
Collection Framework Tutorials:
- Collections Framework in Java
- Collections Framework - The Collection Interface
- Collections Framework - The Set Interface
- Collections Framework - The SortedSet Interface
- Collections Framework - The List Interface
- Collections Framework - The Queue Interface
- Collections Framework - The Deque Interface
- Collections Framework - The Map Interface
- Collections Framework - The SortedMap Interface
- Collections Framework - ArrayList Class
- Collections Framework - LinkedList Class
- Collections Framework - CopyOnWriteArrayList
- Collections Framework - HashSet Class
- Collections Framework - LinkedHashSet Class
- Collections Framework - TreeSet Class
- Collections Framework - CopyOnWriteArraySet
- Collections Framework - EnumSet
- Collections Framework - HashMap Class
- Collections Framework - LinkedHashMap Class
- Collections Framework - TreeMap class
- Collections Framework - EnumMap
- Collections Framework - WeakHashMap
- Collections Framework - IdentityHashMap
Learn more about Java Collections on Java Collections Tutorial
Java Generics Tutorials:
- Java Generics - Generics Basics
- Java Generics - Benefits of Generics
- Java Generics - Generic Types
- Java Generics - Generic Methods in Java
- Java Generics - Bounded Type Parameters
- Java Generics - Wildcards
- Java Generic Methods Examples
- Java Generic Interface Examples
- Java Generic Class Examples
- Java Generics Multiple Type Parameters Example
Practice programming and debugging your own Java programs
Check out 100+ Java programs for practice:
Look for a project to work
Look for a project to work on that will help you to solidify your understanding and deepen your knowledge on different topics.Check out: Java Mini Projects with Source Code
Keep learning by following online tutorials, reading documentation, and exploring the Java Standard Library
Here are the popular tutorials, docs, and guides for your reference:
It is also a good idea to start with a basic project and progress toward a more complex one as you learn.
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