In this post, we will learn how to use and implement the Decorator Pattern in Golang with an example.
Attach additional responsibilities to an object dynamically. Decorators provide a flexible alternative to subclassing for extending functionality.
In a scenario where class responsibilities are removed or added, the decorator pattern is applied. The decorator pattern helps with subclassing when modifying functionality, instead of static inheritance.
An object can have multiple decorators and run-time decorators. The single responsibility principle can be achieved using a decorator. The decorator can be applied to window components and graphical object modeling. The decorator pattern helps with modifying existing instance attributes and adding new methods at run-time
Decorator Pattern Class Diagram
The below diagram shows the generic structure of the Decorator Pattern:
The decorator pattern participants are the component interface, the concrete component class, and the decorator class:
- The Concrete component implements the Component interface.
- The Decorator class implements the Component interface and provides additional functionality in the same method or additional methods. The decorator base can be a participant representing the base class for all decorators.
Golang Decorator Pattern Implementation
Let 's say IProcess is an interface with the process() method. ProcessClass implements an interface with the process() method.
ProcessDecorator implements the process interface and has an instance of ProcessClass. ProcessDecorator can add more functionality than ProcessClass, as shown in the following code:
package main
// importing fmt package
import (
// IProcess Interface
type IProcess interface {
//ProcessClass struct
type ProcessClass struct{}
//ProcessClass method process
func (process *ProcessClass) process() {
fmt.Println("ProcessClass process")
//ProcessDecorator struct
type ProcessDecorator struct {
processInstance *ProcessClass
//ProcessDecorator class method process
func (decorator *ProcessDecorator) process() {
if decorator.processInstance == nil {
fmt.Println("ProcessDecorator process")
} else {
fmt.Printf("ProcessDecorator process and ")
//main method
func main() {
var process = &ProcessClass{}
var decorator = &ProcessDecorator{}
decorator.processInstance = process
ProcessDecorator process ProcessDecorator process and ProcessClass process
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