How to Delete a File in Go

1. Introduction

Deleting files is a common file system operation in many applications. In Go, this operation can be easily performed using the standard library's os package. This blog post will illustrate how to delete a file in Go.


In Go, the os.Remove function is used to delete a file. This function takes the path of the file as its argument and removes the named file or (empty) directory.

2. Program Steps

1. Import the os package.

2. Call the os.Remove function with the file path as the argument.

3. Handle any errors that might occur during the deletion process.

3. Code Program

package main

import (

func main() {
	// The file you want to delete
	filePath := "unnecessary_file.txt"

	// Step 2: Delete the file
	err := os.Remove(filePath)

	// Step 3: Handle errors, if any
	if err != nil {
		// File could not be deleted; maybe it does not exist or there are insufficient permissions
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("File deleted successfully:", filePath)


File deleted successfully: unnecessary_file.txt
// Or, if there was an error
Error: remove unnecessary_file.txt: no such file or directory


1. package main - The package declaration for the Go program.

2. import "fmt" and import "os" - Imports the Format package for printing output and the OS package for file system operations.

3. filePath is a string variable that holds the path to the file you want to delete.

4. os.Remove is called to attempt to delete the file at the given filePath.

5. An if statement checks if an error was returned by os.Remove. If there is an error, it is printed to the console. Otherwise, a success message is displayed.

6. The output will indicate whether the file was deleted successfully or if an error occurred during the attempt.
