The interpolation search algorithm searches for the element in a sorted collection. The algorithm finds the input element at an estimated position by diminishing the search space before or after the estimated position. The time complexity of the search algorithm is of the order O(log log n).
Golang Interpolation Search Algorithm
Let's create a file named "interpolation_search.go" and add the following source code to it:
package main
// importing fmt and os package
import (
//interpolation search method
func InterpolationSearch(elements []int, element int) (bool, int) {
var mid int
var low int
low = 0
var high int
high = len(elements) - 1
for elements[low] < element && elements[high] > element {
mid = low + ((element-elements[low])*(high-low))/(elements[high]-elements[low])
if elements[mid] < element {
low = mid + 1
} else if elements[mid] > element {
high = mid - 1
} else {
return true, mid
if elements[low] == element {
return true, low
} else if elements[high] == element {
return true, high
} else {
return false, -1
// main method
func main() {
var elements []int
elements = []int{2, 3, 5, 7, 9}
var element int
element = 7
var found bool
var index int
found, index = InterpolationSearch(elements, element)
fmt.Println(found, "found at", index)
Run the following command to execute the interpolation_search.go file:
G:\GoLang\examples>go run interpolation_search.go true found at 3
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