How to Convert a Map into a Slice in Go

1. Introduction

In Go, maps provide a way to store unordered key-value pairs, while slices are ordered collections. There might be situations where you want to convert the contents of a map into a slice, perhaps to sort the data or to interface with functions that only accept slices. This blog post will show you how to convert a map into a slice in Go.

2. Program Steps

1. Declare and initialize a map.

2. Create a slice that will hold elements from the map.

3. Iterate over the map and append each key or value to the slice.

4. Print the resulting slice to confirm the conversion.

3. Code Program

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	// Step 1: Declare and initialize a map
	grades := map[string]int{
		"Alice": 85,
		"Bob":   92,
		"Claire": 88,

	// Step 2: Create a slice to hold the map's values
	var gradeSlice []int

	// Step 3: Iterate over the map and append each value to the slice
	for _, grade := range grades {
		gradeSlice = append(gradeSlice, grade)

	// Step 4: Print the resulting slice
	fmt.Println("Grades:", gradeSlice)


Grades: [85 92 88]


1. package main - The package declaration for the Go program.

2. import "fmt" - Imports the Format package for printing the output.

3. grades - A map that associates students' names with their grades is declared and initialized.

4. gradeSlice - A slice of integers that will store grades from the map is declared.

5. A for loop iterates over the grades map, appending each grade to gradeSlice. The order of iteration over map keys is not specified and can vary.

6. fmt.Println is called to print the contents of gradeSlice, confirming that the map's values have been placed into a slice.

7. The output shows the grades collected in a slice, without the associated student names. The slice order depends on the random iteration order of the map.
