Golang Facade Pattern

In this post, we will learn how to use and implement the Facade Pattern in Golang with an example.

Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. A facade defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use. The pattern has a structural purpose and applies to objects.

The Facade pattern is used to abstract subsystem interfaces with a helper. The facade design pattern is used in scenarios when the number of interfaces increases and the system gets complicated.

The Facade is an entry point to different subsystems, and it simplifies the dependencies between the systems. The facade pattern provides an interface that hides the implementation details of the hidden code.

A loosely coupled principle can be realized with a facade pattern. You can use a facade to improve poorly designed APIs. In SOA, a service facade can be used to incorporate changes to the contract and implementation.

Golang Facade Pattern Implementation

For example, account, customer, and transaction are the classes that have account, customer, and transaction creation methods. BranchManagerFacade can be used by the client to create an account, customer, and transaction.

Let's create a file named "facade.go" and add the following source code to it:

package main

// importing fmt package
import (

//Account struct
type Account struct {
	id          string
	accountType string

//Account class method create - creates account given AccountType
func (account *Account) create(accountType string) *Account {
	fmt.Println("account creation with type")
	account.accountType = accountType

	return account

//Account class method getById  given id string
func (account *Account) getById(id string) *Account {
	fmt.Println("getting account by Id")
	return account

//Account class method deleteById given id string
func (account *Account) deleteById(id string) {
	fmt.Println("delete account by id")

//Customer struct
type Customer struct {
	name string
	id   int

//Customer class method create - create Customer given nam
func (customer *Customer) create(name string) *Customer {
	fmt.Println("creating customer")
	customer.name = name
	return customer

//Transaction struct
type Transaction struct {
	id            string
	amount        float32
	srcAccountId  string
	destAccountId string

//Transaction class method create Transaction
func (transaction *Transaction) create(srcAccountId string, destAccountId string, amount float32) *Transaction {
	fmt.Println("creating transaction")
	transaction.srcAccountId = srcAccountId
	transaction.destAccountId = destAccountId
	transaction.amount = amount
	return transaction

//BranchManagerFacade struct
type BranchManagerFacade struct {
	account     *Account
	customer    *Customer
	transaction *Transaction

//methodd NewBranchManagerFacade
func NewBranchManagerFacade() *BranchManagerFacade {
	return &BranchManagerFacade{&Account{}, &Customer{}, &Transaction{}}

//BranchManagerFacade class method createCustomerAccount
func (facade *BranchManagerFacade) createCustomerAccount(customerName string, accountType string) (*Customer, *Account) {
	var customer = facade.customer.create(customerName)
	var account = facade.account.create(accountType)
	return customer, account

//BranchManagerFacade class method createTransaction
func (facade *BranchManagerFacade) createTransaction(srcAccountId string, destAccountId string, amount float32) *Transaction {

	var transaction = facade.transaction.create(srcAccountId, destAccountId, amount)
	return transaction


//main method
func main() {
	var facade = NewBranchManagerFacade()
	var customer *Customer
	var account *Account
	customer, account = facade.createCustomerAccount("Thomas Smith", "Savings")
	var transaction = facade.createTransaction("21456", "87345", 1000)


G:\GoLang\examples>go run facade.go
creating customer
account creation with type
Thomas Smith
creating transaction
