In this source code example, we will write a code to implement the Binary Search Tree data structure in Python.
A binary search tree is a tree where each node has up to two children. In addition, all values in the left subtree of a node are less than the value at the root of the tree and all values in the right subtree of a node are greater than or equal to the value at the root of the tree. Finally, the left and right subtrees must also be binary search trees. This definition makes it possible to write a class where values may be inserted into the tree while maintaining the definition.Binary Search Tree Implementation in Python
A binary search Tree implementation using Python
class Node:
def __init__(self, value, parent):
self.value = value
self.parent = parent # Added in order to delete a node easier
self.left = None
self.right = None
def __repr__(self):
from pprint import pformat
if self.left is None and self.right is None:
return str(self.value)
return pformat({"%s" % (self.value): (self.left, self.right)}, indent=1)
class BinarySearchTree:
def __init__(self, root=None):
self.root = root
def __str__(self):
Return a string of all the Nodes using in order traversal
return str(self.root)
def __reassign_nodes(self, node, new_children):
if new_children is not None: # reset its kids
new_children.parent = node.parent
if node.parent is not None: # reset its parent
if self.is_right(node): # If it is the right children
node.parent.right = new_children
node.parent.left = new_children
self.root = new_children
def is_right(self, node):
return node == node.parent.right
def empty(self):
return self.root is None
def __insert(self, value):
Insert a new node in Binary Search Tree with value label
new_node = Node(value, None) # create a new Node
if self.empty(): # if Tree is empty
self.root = new_node # set its root
else: # Tree is not empty
parent_node = self.root # from root
while True: # While we don't get to a leaf
if value < parent_node.value: # We go left
if parent_node.left is None:
parent_node.left = new_node # We insert the new node in a leaf
parent_node = parent_node.left
if parent_node.right is None:
parent_node.right = new_node
parent_node = parent_node.right
new_node.parent = parent_node
def insert(self, *values):
for value in values:
return self
def search(self, value):
if self.empty():
raise IndexError("Warning: Tree is empty! please use another.")
node = self.root
# use lazy evaluation here to avoid NoneType Attribute error
while node is not None and node.value is not value:
node = node.left if value < node.value else node.right
return node
def get_max(self, node=None):
We go deep on the right branch
if node is None:
node = self.root
if not self.empty():
while node.right is not None:
node = node.right
return node
def get_min(self, node=None):
We go deep on the left branch
if node is None:
node = self.root
if not self.empty():
node = self.root
while node.left is not None:
node = node.left
return node
def remove(self, value):
node = # Look for the node with that label
if node is not None:
if node.left is None and node.right is None: # If it has no children
self.__reassign_nodes(node, None)
elif node.left is None: # Has only right children
self.__reassign_nodes(node, node.right)
elif node.right is None: # Has only left children
self.__reassign_nodes(node, node.left)
tmp_node = self.get_max(
) # Gets the max value of the left branch
node.value = (
) # Assigns the value to the node to delete and keep tree structure
def preorder_traverse(self, node):
if node is not None:
yield node # Preorder Traversal
yield from self.preorder_traverse(node.left)
yield from self.preorder_traverse(node.right)
def traversal_tree(self, traversal_function=None):
This function traversal the tree.
You can pass a function to traversal the tree as needed by client code
if traversal_function is None:
return self.preorder_traverse(self.root)
return traversal_function(self.root)
def inorder(self, arr: list, node: Node):
"""Perform an inorder traversal and append values of the nodes to
a list named arr"""
if node:
self.inorder(arr, node.left)
self.inorder(arr, node.right)
def find_kth_smallest(self, k: int, node: Node) -> int:
"""Return the kth smallest element in a binary search tree"""
arr: list = []
self.inorder(arr, node) # append all values to list using inorder traversal
return arr[k - 1]
def postorder(curr_node):
postOrder (left, right, self)
node_list = list()
if curr_node is not None:
node_list = postorder(curr_node.left) + postorder(curr_node.right) + [curr_node]
return node_list
if __name__ == "__main__":
testlist = (8, 3, 6, 1, 10, 14, 13, 4, 7)
t = BinarySearchTree()
for i in testlist:
# Prints all the elements of the list in order traversal
if is not None:
print("The value 6 exists")
print("The value 6 doesn't exist")
if is not None:
print("The value -1 exists")
print("The value -1 doesn't exist")
if not t.empty():
print("Max Value: ", t.get_max().value)
print("Min Value: ", t.get_min().value)
for i in testlist:
{'8': ({'3': (1, {'6': (4, 7)})}, {'10': (None, {'14': (13, None)})})}
The value 6 exists
The value -1 doesn't exist
Max Value: 14
Min Value: 1
{'7': ({'3': (1, {'6': (4, None)})}, {'10': (None, {'14': (13, None)})})}
{'7': ({'1': (None, {'6': (4, None)})}, {'10': (None, {'14': (13, None)})})}
{'7': ({'1': (None, 4)}, {'10': (None, {'14': (13, None)})})}
{'7': (4, {'10': (None, {'14': (13, None)})})}
{'7': (4, {'14': (13, None)})}
{'7': (4, 13)}
{'7': (4, None)}
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