Python string startswith() method example

In this source code example, we will demonstrate how to use the Python string startswith() method to check if a string begins with another string.

Python string startswith() method

The startswith() method returns True if a string starts with another string. Otherwise, it returns False.

The following shows the syntax of the startswith() method:
str.startswith(prefix, [,start [,end ])
The startswith() method accepts three parameters:
  • prefix is a string or a tuple of strings to search for. The prefix parameter is mandatory.
  • start is the position where the method starts looking for the prefix. The start parameter is optional.
  • end is the position in the string where the method stops searching for the prefix. The end parameter is also optional.

Python string startswith() method examples

The following example shows how to use the string startswith() method to check if a string starts with another string:
s = 'Source Code Example'
result = s.startswith('Source')


The following example uses the startswith() method to check if a string starts with one of the strings in a tuple:

s = 'Make it work, make it right, make it fast.'
result = s.startswith(('Make','make'))


The following example illustrates how to use the startswith() method to check if the string starts with the word make in lowercase starting from position 14:

s = 'Make it work, make it right, make it fast.'
result = s.startswith('make', 14)



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  7. Python string startswith() method example
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