Python Convert String to Date

1. Introduction

In Python, date manipulation is an important aspect of programming, especially when dealing with databases, logs, or user inputs that involve date information. Converting strings to date objects is a common operation. This blog post will discuss how to convert a date in string format to a date object using Python's datetime module.


The conversion from a string to a date object means parsing the string that represents a date (like '2023-11-02') and converting it into a date object. This object allows for more convenient date operations, such as comparisons, arithmetic, and proper formatting. Python achieves this with the strptime function of the datetime class in the datetime module.

2. Program Steps

1. Import the date class from the datetime module.

2. Define a string that represents a date in a known format.

3. Use the strptime method from the datetime class to convert the string into a date object.

4. Output or use the date object for further date-related operations.

3. Code Program

# Step 1: Import the date class from the datetime module
from datetime import datetime

# Step 2: Define a date string
date_str = '2023-11-02'

# Step 3: Define the expected date format
format_str = '%Y-%m-%d'

# Step 4: Convert the date string to a date object using strptime
date_obj = datetime.strptime(date_str, format_str).date()

# Step 5: Output the date object




1. The date class is imported from the datetime module so we can work with date objects.

2. date_str is a string that represents the date in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.

3. format_str defines the pattern that the strptime method will use to parse the string, where %Y is the year, %m is the month, and %d is the day.

4. date_obj is the resulting date object after the strptime method parses date_str according to the format_str. The date() method is called to get a date object from the returned datetime object.

5. The print function is called to display date_obj, showing the date representation of the given string.
