Write a python program to find the max values in a list using function

1. Introduction

This blog post will guide you through writing a Python program to find the maximum value in a list using a function. This example is great for understanding how to work with lists and functions in Python, which are fundamental skills in programming.

2. Program Steps

1. Define a function that takes a list as its parameter.

2. Inside the function, use the built-in max() function to find the maximum value in the list.

3. Return or print the maximum value.

3. Code Program

def find_max_value(input_list):
    # Step 2: Use the max() function to find the maximum value in the list
    max_value = max(input_list)

    # Step 3: Return the maximum value
    return max_value

# Step 1: Define a list
numbers = [10, 30, 20, 50, 40]
result = find_max_value(numbers)
print(f"The maximum value in the list is: {result}")


For the list [10, 30, 20, 50, 40], the output will be 50.


1. The function find_max_value is defined to accept one parameter, input_list, which is expected to be a list of numbers.

2. Inside the function, the built-in max() function is called on the input_list. This function returns the largest number in the list.

3. The maximum value found by max() is stored in the variable max_value and is returned to the caller.

4. When the function is called with the list [10, 30, 20, 50, 40], it correctly identifies and returns 50 as the maximum value.

This program demonstrates an effective way to find the maximum value in a list using Python's built-in functionalities, showcasing both function usage and list handling.
