Write a python program to count the number of digits

1. Introduction

This blog post will guide you through writing a Python program to count the number of digits in a given number. This task is a fundamental example of using loops and type conversion in Python, and is often a part of basic programming exercises and real-world applications like data validation.

2. Program Steps

1. Convert the number to a string to enable iteration over its characters.

2. Initialize a counter to keep track of the number of digits.

3. Iterate over each character in the string and increment the counter for each digit.

3. Code Program

def count_digits(number):
    # Step 1: Convert the number to a string
    number_str = str(number)

    # Step 2: Initialize a counter for the digits
    digit_count = 0

    # Step 3: Iterate over each character and count the digits
    for char in number_str:
        if char.isdigit():
            digit_count += 1

    return digit_count

# Example usage
number = 12345
result = count_digits(number)
print(f"The number of digits in {number} is {result}")


For the number 12345, the output will be 5, indicating that there are 5 digits in the number.


1. The number is first converted to a string (str(number)) to facilitate iteration over each character. This is necessary because you cannot iterate over the digits of an integer directly.

2. A counter (digit_count) is initialized to zero. This counter is used to keep track of the number of digits encountered during the iteration.

3. The program iterates over each character in the string representation of the number. For each character, the isdigit() method checks whether it is a digit. If it is, the counter is incremented by 1.

This method provides a simple yet effective way to count the number of digits in a number using basic concepts in Python.
