Python Convert Int to Binary

1. Introduction

Conversion between number bases is a staple in programming, particularly when dealing with low-level operations or computer networking. Python provides built-in functions to convert integers to their binary representation, which is a string of 0s and 1s representing the number in base-2 numeral system. In this post, we'll explore how to convert an integer to its binary form in Python.


Converting an integer to binary in Python involves translating the integer from base-10 (decimal) to base-2 (binary). The built-in bin() function is used to obtain a binary string representation of an integer.

2. Program Steps

1. Define an integer that you wish to convert to binary.

2. Use the bin() function to convert the integer to a binary string.

3. The binary string will be prefixed with 0b, which is the indicator of binary literals in Python.

4. Optionally, you may want to remove the 0b prefix if you need just the binary digits.

5. Output the binary string.

3. Code Program

# Step 1: Define an integer
num = 10

# Step 2: Use the bin() function to convert the integer to a binary string
binary_str = bin(num)

# Step 3: If you want to remove the '0b' prefix, you can slice the string
binary_str_no_prefix = binary_str[2:]

# Step 4: Print the binary string with and without the prefix




1. num is the integer 10, which we want to convert to binary.

2. binary_str is the binary representation of num, obtained by using the bin() function. This returns a string that starts with 0b.

3. binary_str_no_prefix is created by slicing binary_str starting from the third character, removing the 0b prefix.

4. The print function is called twice to display both binary_str and binary_str_no_prefix, demonstrating the binary representation of 10 with and without the Python binary literal prefix.
