Swift Program to Add Two Numbers

1. Introduction

Adding two numbers might seem trivial, but for someone just beginning their journey into programming with Swift, it's a foundational exercise. In this guide, we'll walk through a Swift program that adds two numbers, allowing us to understand basic variable assignment, arithmetic operations, and console output in Swift.

2. Program Overview

The goal of this Swift program is to take two numbers, sum them up, and then display the result to the console. We'll use Swift's variable declaration and the built-in print function to achieve this.

3. Code Program

// Declare two numbers to be added
let num1 = 5.0
let num2 = 3.0

// Perform the addition
let sum = num1 + num2

// Print the result to the console
print("The sum of \(num1) and \(num2) is \(sum)")


The sum of 5.0 and 3.0 is 8.0

4. Step By Step Explanation

1. let num1 = 5.0: Here, we're declaring a constant named num1 and assigning it a value of 5.0. In Swift, the let keyword is used to declare constants, which are values that cannot be changed after they're set.

2. let num2 = 3.0: Similarly, we declare another constant named num2 and assign it a value of 3.0.

3. let sum = num1 + num2: This line takes the values of num1 and num2, adds them together, and assigns the result to a new constant named sum.

4. print("The sum of (num1) and (num2) is (sum)"): Using Swift's print function, we display the result. The backslashes before the variable names in the string, i.e., (variableName), are used for string interpolation in Swift. This allows us to embed the values of variables directly within strings.
