Swift Program to Subtract Two Numbers

1. Introduction

Subtraction is one of the four elementary arithmetic operations. While the act of subtracting two numbers is straightforward, implementing it in a new programming language is a fundamental step for many beginners. This guide focuses on creating a Swift program that subtracts two numbers, giving insights into variable usage, arithmetic operations, and output in Swift.

2. Program Overview

This Swift program aims to subtract one number from another and then display the result to the console. Using Swift's variable declaration, arithmetic operations, and the built-in print function, we will achieve our goal.

3. Code Program

// Declare two numbers for the subtraction operation
let num1 = 8.0
let num2 = 3.0

// Perform the subtraction
let difference = num1 - num2

// Print the result to the console
print("The difference between \(num1) and \(num2) is \(difference)")


The difference between 8.0 and 3.0 is 5.0

4. Step By Step Explanation

1. let num1 = 8.0: We begin by declaring a constant named num1 and assigning it a value of 8.0. The let keyword in Swift is used for declaring constants, which means once a value is assigned, it cannot be modified.

2. let num2 = 3.0: Another constant named num2 is declared, assigned a value of 3.0.

3. let difference = num1 - num2: This line carries out the subtraction operation. The values of num1 and num2 are subtracted, and the result is assigned to a new constant named difference.

4. print("The difference between \(num1) and \(num2) is \(difference)"): The result is then displayed using Swift's print function. We utilize string interpolation, represented by the \(variableName) syntax, to embed the values of the constants directly within the output string.
