Ruby Convert String to Float

1. Introduction

In Ruby, converting strings to floats is a routine operation, especially when dealing with numerical input from users or external sources that are initially read as strings. Since arithmetic operations can't be directly performed on strings, converting these string numbers into floating-point numbers is essential. This blog post provides a guide on how to convert a string into a floating-point number in Ruby.

A floating-point number is a number that has a decimal place, allowing for fractional and precise representation of values. Ruby has built-in methods to convert strings to floating-point numbers, which is particularly useful when the string represents a number with decimal points.

2. Program Steps

1. Define the string to be converted.

2. Use Ruby's conversion method to change the string into a float.

3. (Optional) Handle any potential exceptions that may arise during the conversion.

3. Code Program

# Step 1: Define the string to be converted
string_to_convert = "123.45"
# Step 2: Use Ruby's conversion method to change the string into a float
  float_value = Float(string_to_convert)
rescue ArgumentError => e
  puts "Cannot convert the string to a float: #{e.message}"
# If the string can be converted, float_value will now hold the floating-point number




1. string_to_convert is the string that contains the number we want to convert to a float.

2. Float(string_to_convert) is a Ruby method that attempts to convert the string to a floating-point number. It raises an error if the conversion isn't possible.

3. The begin...rescue block is used to handle exceptions. In this case, it catches ArgumentError, which is raised if the string is not a valid representation of a float.
